"some handsome french wanker"

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warning: this chapter contains a very jealous and slightly horny calum hood, read at ur own risk!

just fading out this talk is 'cause
now all i want is you
i'm saying, come over here and
sit next to me.
{sit next to me, foster the people}


i'm fucking exhausted. don't get me wrong, i love my job. but i love the shows, the music, the connection with the fans. that's why i do it, that's why anyone does it. because we love the music.

what i don't love, are the idiotic interviews we get put through. they're all the same. i mean, if i get asked what want you back means one more time i'm going to shove a fork into my eye. i mean, the meaning is in the fucking title?

i wish indigo was with me today, she makes the boring parts fun. i really hope she's exploring, doing something fun. although i hate to think of her alone out in the city, the thought alone makes me nervous. however she's pretty tough, and i know she won't get herself into trouble.

we just finished our last interview for the day and are heading to get some food before we have time to chill before the show tonight. elliot decides on some random ass restaurant, and all of us being hungry as shit agree to it without even asking what they serve.

"i told indie to meet us here, so she should get here any minute," andy says, while we all stand around outside the building. at the mention of indigo, i feel myself get all giddy, like a fucking schoolboy. the effect she has on me never ceases to amaze me.

"who's that guy she's with?" crystal questions curiously, causing my head to snap up and search for her. she's walking towards us with a grin as big as the moon, as she looks up at some random french douchebag.

okay he might not be a douchebag, but i can't help but feel an uneasy feeling in my stomach and wish it was me making her laugh. my fists clench involuntarily and i can't help frown when he pulls her in for a hug. she accepts it and bids him a goodbye before making her way towards us happily.

"meet a new friend, indie?" luke asks with an eyebrow raised. he knowingly smirks at me, pissing me off further as i look the other way.

"oh uh yeah, he just showed me around a bit," i can't help but scoff, gaining the attention of indigo who furrows her eyebrows at my outburst.

"why don't you invite him to eat with us? he seems cool," luke prods, knowing this will only make me want to secretly die. indigo nervously glances between luke and i, before nodding and turning back towards her nameless friend.

"isaac!" she shouts, causing him to turn and start walking towards her, a cocky smirk resting on his features.

"would you like to join us for dinner?" isaac looks surprised as he surveys the group, before his eyes land on indigo with a smile.

"je détesterais imposer," he speaks quietly in french, annoying me that i can't understand him.
(i wouldn't want to impose)

"bien sûr que non!" i almost melt at the sound of her speaking french... holy fuck what can't this girl do? goddammit i want to hear more of those pretty words coming out of her mouth while i-
(not at all)

"i'd love to, then!" my thoughts are rudely interrupted by this annoying wanker of a man as luke claps his hands together, an amused grin spreading across his face.

"let's eat then!" i turn around with a huff at luke's exuberance, following elliot as we walk in towards the back, into a private section with a rather large table, big enough for all of us to sit. i see indigo walking up to me and i glance down to see her staring up at me with doe eyes full of worry.

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