"calm down augustus waters."

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a/n: this is another tough chapter. sorry all the hard stuff is coming at once, but i feel like it's essential for y'all to understand the characters a bit more in order to understand some of the things that happen later on.
***this chapter touches on the subject of rape. it won't go too far into detail, but i want to warn those of you who may be affected by the topic.
also, i don't condone smoking or drugs of any kind. but this is the real world & people smoke. we all already know calum smokes on occasion, so don't freak when he does in this chapter

to the sound of your heart,
the world fell sang along to it
falling apart
{the good side, troye sivan}


there's a moment in the wee hours of the morning, where your brain hasn't caught up to the information it holds from the night before. that moment of pure bliss and ignorance, when you yawn and stretch your arms and try to wake yourself up.

that's the moment that i was currently snapping out of. as i stretched my arms out across the, now empty, hotel bed, i start to replay last nights occurrences through my head.

from finding out about my dad, to calum's comforting words and inviting arms. i can't help but feel slightly disappointed that he wasn't here when i woke up, not that i wasn't expecting any less. we're only friends after all, and he was just trying to be a good friend last night.

i swing my legs off the side of the bed before rubbing my palms against my eyes, ridding them of any sleep. i draw in a breath of surprise when i see a plate of waffles topped with strawberries and bananas sitting on my bedside table.

with an eyebrow raised, i slowly lift the plate to find a folded piece of paper with indigo written on it. curiously, i place the plate of food next to me before opening the letter to see a slightly messy handwritten note.

i figured it might seem a tad suspicious if andy came to get you and i was in bed with you, so i left around 5am. i didn't want to wake you because you looked so peaceful in your sleep. i got you some food, i hope you like waffles. if you don't... well you're crazy. ill see you in a bit. x

(p.s. don't forget what i said about me being here for you, we can find sometime to talk today whenever ready)

my heart swelled at the simple gesture, hardly believing he took the time to get me breakfast and write a note.

as much as i want to fight it, calum hood is undeniably going to make me fall for him. i already adored him by watching him from behind a screen for 5 years, but knowing him in person has brought a whole new light to him.

i take my waffles to the bathroom with me and munch on them as i get ready, feeling extra giddy today, despite the shitty news i found out the night before. i decided that today, today is going to be a good day. it's the first day of the 5SOS3 tour, and i'm going to focus on that.

i decide to dress for comfort mainly, knowing it would be a tad chilly today. i wear a t shirt and jeans, paired with a much too large corduroy button up to perform as my jacket, and a leather purse. i accent it with a watch, small necklace, and a few rings, because i suppose you can never have too many accessories. i left my hair in a braid last night so today there would be some light curls.

 i left my hair in a braid last night so today there would be some light curls

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