* "that was bloody fanstastic."

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I don't ever mind sharing oxygen,
I just wanna get lost in your lungs
{single, the neighborhood}

warning: this chapter contains
terribly written smut. read at
ur own risk. (srsly i suck at this


"WE'RE NUMBER ONE, WE'RE NUMBER ONE," i chant as i skip around the flat, along with the other three boys who are just as excited as me. last month we were in los angeles, youngblood was still new as a single. today we found out that youngblood is number one on the aria charts. to say we're really fucking excited is an understatement.

indigo is sitting up on the kitchen counter, a camera in her hand as she videotapes the silliness that is our band. ashton and i dance in front of her, giggling profusely as i stumble over to her. she clicks off the camera, setting it down beside her as she smiles up at me.

we're both a tad tispy, and on our second glass of champagne. once i get to her i place my hands on either of her thighs, before clumsily kissing her. she smiles into the kiss, letting her arms loop over my shoulders. i pout when she moves her head back, making her giggle at my childish behavior.

"i'm proud of you," she says softly, making my grin widen even more than i thought possible.

"how does it feel to be dating a superstaarrr," i say sarcastically. she just laughs and shakes her head. i scan her face, appreciating how beautiful she looks tonight. her knitted sweater is low cut, giving me a rather delicious view, and it the hem stops right above her bellybutton. it's accompanied by a pair of blue jeans that reach up to her bellybutton, with a bit of a flare on the bottom. her stomach pooches out as she sits, but i hardly even notice, loving every inch of her skin. she has a simple gold necklace adorning her collarbone, and i can't help myself from reaching forward and rolling it in my fingers. indigo watches my hand curiously, before our eyes meet.

"you look stunning," i say, feeling myself sobering up just from looking at her. the blush that still tints her cheeks, despise the fact that i've been complimenting her for over three months now.

"you look handsome as well, a bit of an all black thing going on hm?" she says quietly, letting her hands that rest on my shoulder rub them softly. i smirk at her words, leaning forward to kiss her lips softly. i raise an eyebrow at the quiet whine that emits from her when i pull back, smirking at her desperation.

"oi! quit with the PDA," ashton tuts from beside us, an annoyed glare on his face. i simply grin and help indigo down from the counter. letting my hands linger on her ass for a few more seconds longer than necessary. she notices and swats my hands away playfully, scoffing when she notices the evident pout i hold.

i check the clock on the wall, shocker to see it's almost eleven already. indigo walks to the fridge, pulling out two water bottles before tossing one to me. i take a few swigs, appreciating the cool liquid. Both michael and luke have disappeared, probably headed to wherever they're staying tonight by now. andy is passed out on the couch, making me chuckle.

"i'm heading out, gonna go stay at mum's house, she wants a family breakfast in the mornin'," ashton sounds from the other side of the room i nod in response, both indigo and i saying our goodbyes before he leaves. indigo walks over to wake andy, and i busy myself cleaning up a few of the dishes that are strewn across the counter. andy says something about heading to his hotel, and i wave him a goodbye before finishing up.

i'm drying off the last plate when i feel two arms wrap around my waist. i look down to see pale yellow fingernails against my stomach, indigo's head resting against my back. i smile to myself, setting the plate with the others before spinning around in her arms. i look down at her to see her smiling up at me.

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