"you coming?"

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A/N: OH MY GOD OH MY GOD !!! thank you so so so so so much for 1k reads and 100 votes, it means so much to me! i'm not an author and never thought my writing was any good but all of you guys' support has made me so happy and confident in my writing! thank you thank you thank you!! i love you all! picture above is indigo's outfit once they're out and about in stockholm! i imagine her shorter and stouter than the person in the picture but feel free to imagine her however!!
also!! in this chapter you're going to see a bit more into calum's mind, and how he views indigo, including some of his... dirtier thoughts. fair warning, i'm not a dude, and i don't know what they think when a girl turns them on, so bare with me. some of the things he says may be a tad cringey.

and touched your leg again, again.
i'll take you one day at a time,
soon you will be mine.
{fallingforyou, the 1975}


after a season or two of the office, indigo was now currently passed out on my shoulder. about six episodes ago, i could tell she was getting tired. her head would slowly start to droop onto my shoulder, and then she'd realize this and pop it back up. after about 30 minutes of her trying to stay awake, she finally fell asleep.

i'm not going to lie, it made me swoon really fucking hard. she is possibly the most adorable thing i have ever seen. if i crane my neck enough i can see her relaxed face, her eyelashes resting on the tops of her cheeks and her lips relaxed into a straight line. she has her hands intertwined with each other on her lap while her head rests on my shoulder, which may or may not be a tad sore, not that i'm complaining.

i'm getting a bit tired of the office, but i don't want to move to my backpack to get my phone, and risk waking the sleeping beauty beside me. i wonder if indigo has any music on her phone.

i slowly take her phone from in front of us and press the home button. i swipe down so the search bar comes up and type in music before clicking on the app and going to her playlists. i see one called "teenage angst" and raise my eyebrow before clicking on it out of curiosity.

i'm surprised to see it's filled with bands such as Simple Plan, Sum 41, Blink-182, All Time Low, and Greenday, among others. i slowly scroll through until i see something that immediately makes me grin. in that playlist is none other than 5 seconds of summer. i snort a bit to myself, and smile down at indigo, before clicking out of that playlist. i figure that one wouldn't be the best to play while she's sleeping.

i find a playlist that, surprisingly enough, is called 'sleep' and click on it before scrolling through. i see the 1975 and smile, thinking that would be perfect. I click on the song, loving someone, before setting the phone down between us. since i can't really do much, i figure i should go ahead and get some sleep myself. i slowly rest my head on top of indigo's, praying to higher powers that she doesn't wake up.

luckily, she stays fast asleep and i close my eyes, slowly falling asleep to the sounds of the 1975.


i wake up to a strange weight on my head. i bring my hands up to my face before rubbing my eyes to rid them of sleep. i glance down at my lap to see an unfamiliar hand resting on my thigh. my eyes widen upon realizing that hand belongs to none other than calum fucking hood.

holy shit. my head is on his shoulder. i fell asleep on him.

i glance my eyes over to where my head is resting to see the black fabric of his t-shirt, and begin to realize his head is rested against my own, with his hair slightly tickling my forehead. i sit for a moment, enjoying the soft aroma of his cologne and the warmth of his shoulder, before slowly removing my head from him, figuring he would wake up as i do so.

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