"i'm sure i love you more, flower."

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hold my hand darling,
pull me in your waters
when you call my name,
i'll be on my way
{pacific love, rainbow kitten surprise}


my senses are filled with the unfamiliar smell of hay and manure, making me scrunch my nose up. not that i mind, however, because the sole reason i'm here is clad in tight clothing and walking towards me with the biggest grin on her face, clutching a rope attached to a horse to the right of her. earlier, when she went up to her room to change into what she referred to as "riding clothes," i didn't expect her to walk back out in dark blue, and skin tight, legging-type pants, and a similarly tight, grey quarter-zip shirt.

she looks, to be frank, really fucking fit. and to tie up the whole "sexy horse rider" look, she's wearing black boots that rise to right below her knee. i feel as of i just discovered a new sex fantasy i never really knew i had. not that i'd voice any of my thoughts at the moment, because i do have, at least, an ounce of respect and decency. i will say though, i'm not quite sure how i'm going to react when she actually is riding the horse.

in my ogling, i hardly noticed the fact that she was now standing right in front of me, an amused glare in her eyes. i snap out of my trance as soon as she speaks.

"you know, i can practically feel the dirty thoughts swirling around your head with the way you've been looking at me," she says humorously. my eyes widen at being called out on my obvious staring, cheeks warming as a result.

"what did you expect? that outfit is doin' things to me," i smirk slightly, raising an eyebrow as it's her turn to blush from my words. she recovers quickly by rolling her eyes, and swiftly walking around me, the horse that i have hardly payed any attention to, walking quietly beside her. i'm quick to follow her, keeping my distance from the horse that i may or may not be, but definitely am, slightly scared of. my eyes focus on indigo in front of me, and i swear she's purposefully swinging her hips with the intention of teasing me.

i stop when she turns into the barn in front of her, and watch as she attaches the ropes hanging on the wall to the harness-thing on the horse's face. i'm standing about five feet away from where she's standing as she turns around to raise a brow at me.

"you can come closer you know?" she says softly, making me nod. i hesitantly walk forward, sure to keep her in between me and the horse. "this is doug," she gestures her hand to the animal.

"heeeeyy doug," i say awkwardly, my hands hanging loosely at my sides. she bites back a smile before glancing between me and doug.

"you can... pet him," i send her a glare at the humor showing in her voice, not liking how amused she is by my obvious hesitation.

"what if he, like... bites me?" i ask seriously, looking at the horse as he stares blankly back at me. i look over to see indigo's face holding a serious look.

"he doesn't bite," she says slowly, and i notice her lip twitch as if she's trying really hard not to smile. "... hard." my eyes widen as i shoot her a look, only to watch as she bursts into laughter.

"it's not funny," i pout, trying to look upset but the cute way her eyes are squinting and her hand is clutching her stomach, makes me grin too. once she retains her composure, she reaches forward and grabs my hand. leading me to the side of the horse, she puts my hand up against his neck.

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