"sleeping beauty."

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lay here beside me and stay for a while,
the morning is made for the
touch of your skin
{morning is made, hush kids}

ps, the picture above is what
indigo will wear to their date
in the next chapter


hot breaths sound against my face, waking me up. i'm surprised to notice calum fast asleep beside me, wondering what time it is. his head is resting on my shoulder, arms wrapped around me tightly, while his soft breath hits my neck lightly. i revel in the feeling of his warm skin on mine, comforting me to no end.

i reach an arm out blindly, finding my phone on the bedside table. flipping it over to glance the time, my eyebrows raise at the time, as it's already 11am and usually calum is awake far before now. i'm not at all surprised however, as he played his last show of the tour two days ago.

he's exhausted, yesterday we flew back to LA from south america. i know this last month has been hard for him, because there's no doubt going and doing an over 3 month tour after not touring for around two years is taking a toll. i roll over to see his pretty face relaxed next to mine. his hair is pressed down on his face, making me push it back with my hand. this however, causes him to stir in his sleep, and i smile when his eyes flutter open.

"good morning, sleeping beauty," i say quietly, as he blinks a few times, a smile growing on his own lips.

"mornin,'" he says groggily, his morning voice making always sounding so endearing to me. he scoots up against the headboard, stretching his hands over his head. this action gives me a perfect opportunity to gaze down his torso, admiring the caramel skin, his precious tummy poking out a tad due to his slouched state. a soft jingle noise distracts me from my gawking, making me divert my attention to the foot of the bed.

my eyes light up at the sight of duke standing up, and crawling curiously up to me. i smile when he nuzzles his nose under my hand, asking me to pet him. i obviously oblige, already in love with this dog. i look over to calum looking happily at the two of us, before duke quickly makes his way over to calum, jumping right in his face excitedly. i giggle when duke kisses calum's nose, the smile on calum's face as he tries to escape dukes attack the most precious thing i've ever seen.

"i'm taking you on a date today," he says randomly, making me quirk an eyebrow at his words.

"is that so?" i ask, laughing at his forward nature.

"if you'll let me, of course," he rephrases, looking at me questionably, as if he thinks i'll say no.

"of course i'll let you take me on a date, don't be silly," i respond, smiling brightly. "i need to go to andrew's and get myself fixed up first, of course."

"okay, i'll pick you up at six?" he asks, scooting duke off of him so he's laying on the bed beside us. i nod, my smile remaining when calum puts his hands on my waist, pulling me to sit on his lap. once i'm against his chest, he reaches his lips to meet min, tucking a few strands of my hair behind my ear as he does so.

it's a simple kiss, as he moves his lips softly against mine. he pinches my side lightly, making me laugh into the kiss. he smiles too, breaking the kiss before i move to rest my head on his shoulder. his arms hold me close, hugging me to his body tightly. i sigh at the comforting feeling, before he loosens his grip and i lean back.

"i'll see you later, okay?" i say, placing a kiss to his nose when he nods in response. swinging my legs off the bed, i drop onto the soft rug beside his bed. calum's house is simple, but has a lot of soft touches that make it seem homey. it's very fitting for him and duke, and it smells like him, if that doesn't sound too crazy. as i leave the house, i find myself growing excited for our impending 'date.'

a/n super smol chapter but i wanted to split this and the next one up, it just seemed better idk sksks. but don't u worry the next chapter has been uploaded too because i don't want to leave y'all with a tiny ass boring chapter xoxo


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