"i can give you a blowjob?"

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i remember how bad i need ya,
when i taste tequila
{tequila, dan + shay}

ps the only reason i know this
song is because of the video of
calum singing it ok


"have you been telling people indigo was in my room?" i ask luke, wanting to skip straight to the point. his smirk doesn't leave his face while he nods.

"yeah, you two are together, right? i only told andy because i didn't know if you were telling people," he says, shrugging. i sigh at this, wishing we could just be public about our relationship.

"it was one night, she was hanging out showing me some stuff and we both fell asleep. it really wasn't anything like that. i'm just as much her friend as you are." the words physically hurt coming from my mouth, but i knew indigo didn't want to get a bad image. luke just nodded and i smiled at him. the bar tender came back with my drink, and we both talk for about 30 or so more minutes about mindless things.

we walk over to where the girls were. they were standing with ash and mike now, i smirk at the shot in indigo's hand. i stand beside ash, facing indigo when she raises a brow at me. she mouths 'everything alright?' to me and i nod, giving a faint smile which she returns. after everyone downs their shots ashton steps forward, checking his phone.

"i just got a text that the cars are out front, let's roll," indigo giggles at his choice of words and i can't help but notice her tripping over her feet. how much has she had to drink? i quickly gulp down my beer before setting the glass down along with money, following the group out to the cars. indigo is in front of me and i can't help but walk up behind her. she looks up at me with a lazy smile.

"i haven't had a drink in a while it feels," she laughs. i shake my head with a smile, placing a hand on her back to help guide her out the door. once we walk out i drop my hand, following her into the second car. ashton and andy are sitting in the middle seats, so indigo flops down against the left side, draping against the window. i chuckle at her before sitting down beside her, then reaching over and buckling her seatbelt. she sits back up and smiles at me.

i can't help but look at her and admire just how beautiful she is. even in this dim light, her green irises shine at me, their colors creating an intricate design in her eye. her lashes flutter from exhaustion, and despite her hair being pulled back, several flyaways adorn the frame of her face, wisps of hair fluttering around her face. her lips are plump around her teeth, as her teeth dazzle at me, straight as an arrow due to many years of braces to get the structurally perfect. her cheeks are tinted a slight pink, probably from the alcohol coursing through her, and she has a little bit of black eye makeup smudged under her eyes.

she is so effortlessly gorgeous to me, and i wish i could tell her during every moment of every day, as cheesy as it sounds. but alas, i can't, we have to keep this infatuation a secret. so instead, she drops her head on my shoulder tiredly, and i place a hand on her thigh, hoping the other two don't look back.

the car ride back is short, but indigo still is half asleep once we arrive. i lightly push her off of me, getting out of the car before her so i can help her down. she excepts my hand graciously, stumbling out of the SUV with little grace, a sheepish smile consuming her features.

"is she alright?" ashton asks me, eyeing my hand that's still holding her. i move it to clutch her arm before nodding at him.

"i think she's just tipsy, i'm going to walk her to her room." i say, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible. he nods, unsuspecting, and i turn towards the lobby, trying to keep a hold on indigo's arm. i just about trip when i see a flash of light to our left, mentally cursing at the fact that someone's taking photos of us entering our hotel. i can only hope it's a fan and not some magazine planning on ruining indigos name.

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