"i very much like you too"

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you're the one
in my heart, in my bones, in my soul.
you're the one that keeps me
on my own.
{indigo puff, sundara karma}


i'm sitting in a large chair in my hotel room, while luke and ashton are sitting against the headboard of the bed. we arrived to paris about an hour ago and we're all bored beyond our minds, scrolling through twitter mindlessly.

"alright guys, i'm going to head back to my rooms," luke says as he stands up and stretched his arms over his head. i grunt in response, too lazy to actually say anything. once he strolls out of the room, i turn my attention back to my phone.

ashton clears his throat, causing me to look up when i meet his eyes i see that his eyebrows are raised and his arms are crossed.

"spill," is all he says. this time, i raise my eyebrows.

"what are you referring to?" i ask, although i can already guess what he's about to say. ash can read me like a book. he always has, and it's a blessing and a curse. he's one of those guys that's with you through thick and thin, but will no doubt point out when you're in the wrong.

"i went to you're room the night before the stockholm show and was surprised to see you weren't there," he starts as i keep my expression as neutral as possible. "i asked the other guys if you were with them. it took me a bit but i got a pretty good idea when you didn't show up an hour after you took pizza to indigo. did you get lost on your way or something?" i just about want to smack the smug look off his face.

"we're simply friends ash. she didn't seem to be doing well when i took her the pizza, so i stayed to be there for her." i explain calmly. "she doesn't have anyone she really knows on the road like you and i do, so i wanted her to have someone to talk to." he nods and shrugs his shoulder.

"i'm not going to say you can't be friends with her, i mean we're all her friends. i enjoy her company too," ashton says. "i just... she seems fragile and as much as you try to pretend you aren't, you're fragile as well. you two may be friends but this is still business. you two do technically work together, so you wouldn't want anything messy to happen."

ashton has always been rather mature and insightful, even when we were younger. his words make sense, but i can't help but have slight feelings for indigo.

however, i don't agree that indigo is fragile. granted, i don't think she should have to handle more issues than she already is. regardless, indigo is beyond strong. from the things she's told me, she's stronger than i am, or any person i know. she has only opened up to me about a couple things, but even those things are enough to break someone. eve with the knowledge of her dad, indigo is still here with us, taking phenomenal pictures and editing late into the night to make sure our online platform looks pristine.

after a few more minutes of meaningless conversation with ashton, he leaves for his own room and i decide to sit down and write for a bit. i stand from the chair i was previously in, feeling my muscles constrict as they adjust to standing as i've been sitting for a solid hour without moving.

as i begin walking to my bag i hear a knock from my door. assuming it's ashton coming back to retrieve something he left earlier. as i open the door in shocked when i see little indigo standing in front of me clutching a big brown bag with a sheepish look on her face.

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