"do we really need 9 bags of pizza dough?"

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the truth be told you need it more than you thought
but you're managing, that's how you evened out
{minimum, charlie cunningham}


we've been in LA for over a week now, and i still have yet to find a job. i've been putting some feelers out for photoshoots, but i'm still looking for an everyday job to make some stable money. i've applied to various coffee shops, boutiques, music stores, etc. i still have yet to hear back from any of them.

andrew got a job easily, of course. anyone that meets him instantly loves him. for some reason i'm not as intriguing i suppose.

i sit at the kitchen counter and scroll mindlessly through instagram, waiting for my bagel to finish toasting. i stop when i see a picture from andy deluca, the photographer for 5 seconds of summer, and immediately read his caption.

 i stop when i see a picture from andy deluca, the photographer for 5 seconds of summer, and immediately read his caption

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@andydeluca: "wishing these dudes the best on tour this year, wish i was coming with!"

he isn't photographing the boys anymore?? andy has always inspired a lot of my works and i loves his shots of 5sos. i couldn't believe he wasn't going back on tour with them. i wonder who's going instead..

@indigohpr: "nooo what?! love your shots of them, @5sos let me know if you need a new photographer(; in all seriousness though, i hate that you aren't touring with them):"

i laugh at my stupid reply before deleting it, knowing it's a stupid thing to comment. imagine actually touring with 5sos and getting to photograph them. it sounds like a pretty dope gig if i do say myself.

i'm interrupted by my thinking when i see a text from andrew pop up.

dick sucker: hey bitch we need groceries

me: then go get some on ur way home

dick sucker: we're going out tonight, remember?? go pick up some rn stupid

me: send me a list of what u want

andrew responds with a list longer than the fucking bible, and i end up getting half the things he listed. i mean do we really need 9 bags of pizza dough? jesus christ, who are we, papa johns?

after i put all the groceries up i head upstairs to go get dressed. drew is dragging me to some club in LA, apparently he's met a ton of friends through his job, whereas my only friend is the jar of peanut butter i ate in entirety last night.

i decide on a some high waisted leggings a slightly see-through shirt that cuts off right around my belly button. i don't normally go out and party much, due to my introverted nature and strong mentality of not really giving a fuck about interacting with other humans.

i have a strong urge to make friends here though, networking is essential to making it big out here, so i really should get myself out there.


after waiting on andrew who is, of course, 45 minu late, we're finally in an uber and on our way to the club. it's a 21+ club but luckily i have my handy fake, which states i'm 21 in mississippi, and the bouncers don't really seem to care enough to look at it closely.

i immediately wind up at the bar, and order a gin and tonic, my go to. drew has already ditched me for his friends, not that i really mind. i'm a big girl and can fend for myself, drew knows that.

the bartender sets my drink down and once i have it in my hand i start to take a look around the club.

the lighting is low, however they have a lot of neon lights to make the place pop. there's a pool table to the right side of the room and to the left is a dance floor of sorts with a lighted up floor. pretty much a stereotypical place, and it isn't too packed considering it's a Wednesday night. surrounding the floor is an array of black leather couches along with tables and chairs. again, a pretty basic looking club.

 again, a pretty basic looking club

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while i'm busy looking around and taking everything in, i hardly notice a guy plopping down next to me

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while i'm busy looking around and taking everything in, i hardly notice a guy plopping down next to me.

it isn't until the guy clears his throat that i look over at him, almost choking on my drink when i see him. because it is the last person i thought i'd see tonight.

lol cliffhanger bitches 😤😤😤
sry this chapter took forever, i haven 0 motivation and still do but i'm gonna try to do this any way soooo
my twitter is @sstormycal if ur interested(:

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