"i'm falling in love with her."

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you're a doll, you are flawless,
i just can't wait for love to destroy us
{flawless, the neighborhood}


i haven't been this nervous before a show in years. granted, when we do a larger event or go on tv i may get nervous, but it's really only because i don't want to disappoint anyone. i know how to play, and i know how to perform, and our fans are basically family and i never feel as if they'd truly judge me. tonight however, we play in nashville. indigo's mom is going to be in the audience, and then i'll be meeting her afterward. i haven't had a serious relationship in which i meet the parents of the girl formally, so i'm absolutely shitting myself at the moment.

anyone can tell i'm rather infatuated with indigo, and i just hope her mom sees that i have good intentions. from how she described her, her mom is relatively chill. nonetheless, i'm terrified of screwing up and making a fool of myself.

"you alright mate?" ashton walks up next to me in the mirror, his brows furrowed as he gives me a concerned glance.

"y-yeah.. yeah i'm just psyching myself out is all," i mutter, lifting my hand to push it through my hair as i sigh.

"how come? it's just a show," ashton responds, his eyes still holding a certain confusion. i shake my head before responding.

"indigo's mom is coming to watch, and then i'm treating her and indigo to dinner across the street. i got a private room at the restaurant and everything," i rant, watching as his expression shifts to that of understanding, a small smile growing on his face.

"you're absolutely whipped," he laughs out, making me scoff and cross my arms over my chest. "how'd you even get a private room without anyone noticing?"

"i just called and made a reservation. elliot doesn't have to know my every move," i retort with an unamused tone. he lets out another laugh before shaking his head and walking away. i sigh again as i look at myself in the mirror, trying to ignore the nervousness boiling in me. the sound of the dressing room door swinging open rips me from my thoughts. i turn to see indigo walking in, her eyes searching the room before landing on me. they instantly light up when they meet mine, a hint of a smile creeping onto her face.

"hey you," she says quietly as she approaches me. i smirk before reaching my arm out to wrap around her waist. i'm quick to pull her flush against me, lowering my face to leave a quick kiss to her forehead. she smiles brightly up at me, her own hand resting against the bicep of my arm that's around me, the other is placed on my chest.

"have you heard from your mom?" i ask curiously, watching as she nods excitedly.

"her plane just got in! i told her i'd figure out a way to send a car for her, but she insisted on getting a cab," she informs me. i smile at her happy tone, feeling my own smile growing just from listening to her.

"well we have some meet and greets, then soundcheck in about an hour, so i'll meet the two of you across the street after the show? maybe just give me 30 minutes so i can shower and make myself presentable?" i ask, wanting tonight to go perfectly. i look down to see her looking at me with an unreadable look. she's still smiling but something in her demeanor has changed.

"you're so..." she starts quietly, her face softening as she speaks. "gah, i don't have words. you're simply perfect." she splutters out, her words spilling out as she shakes her head. before i can respond she leans forward, reaching her hands up around my neck and resting her face in the crook of my neck. i respond by wrapping my other arm around her torso, and hugging her back. i feel her exhale against my skin, her warm breath spreading goosebumps over my skin.

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