"i'm um- mexican?"

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according to your heart,
my place is not deliberate
{fallingforyou, the 1975}


calum and i are currently rushing through the airport, bags clutched tightly in one hand while the other is wrapped around his as he drags me towards our gate. i didn't decide i was coming with him until early this morning. that decision being made and what came after is probably the reason we're about to miss our plane.


my lips are set into an immediate pout at the feeling of being shook awake. i furrow my eyebrows before slowly opening my eyes, blinking to clear my vision.

"indigo, wake up, please," i hear calum's soft voice above me, making the annoyed look on my face disappear before my eyes meet mine. he's only hovering over me slightly, and i sit up slowly.

"what time is it?" i ask, moving my hands to rub the sleep from my eyes.

"5am, sorry, i just wanted to know if you're coming back with me today..." his voice trails off nervously, and my lips quirk up at the sound. he lets his head fall back against the pillows, and i move my head to look down at him.

"hmm i dunno," i respond, giving him a cheeky glance. he eyes me curiously, picking up on my teasing tone immediately. i knew exactly what i was doing as i swung a leg over his body, effectively straddling his waist as he looked up at me. my shirt rode up on my thighs and he brought his lip between his teeth as he gazed down at my bare lower half against his body, which was covered by the thin bed sheet.

"i think you'll have to convince me," i murmured, leaning down to kiss his temple, before sitting back up. it took calum no time at all to grip my hips harshly, before flipping us over and making me come undone not once, but twice before the clock hit 5:30.


so yeah, i guess one could say that i might be the reason we're both out of breath and calum put his shirt on inside out due to rushing to get dressed.

why the fuck is this airport so big?

i cant help but think to myself, not at all made for this sort of physical exercise. calum isn't slowing down though, and i find myself cursing his stupid fit self.

"fuck, okay, we made it," calum breathes out, stopping suddenly in front of our gate. i drop his hand and bring mine up to my chest, taking a few deep breaths to stop my wild heart. he gets behind the person about to go in, and glances back at me humorously, clearly amused by my exhausted state.

"don't look at me like that! i don't run, calum," i pout, making him laugh and shake his head at me. i glare at him, but he just rolls his eyes and laughs again.

"hey! it's not my fault you made sure to use up all your energy this morning," he retorts, winking at me and making me even more annoyed when he turns around to approach the airport employee. the woman scans our tickets, but when she looks back up at him i see her eyes widen.

oh no

"you're the guy from that australian band, right?!" she asks, her face brightening as she bites her lip, bluntly glazing her eyes down his body. my gaze hardens, thoroughly annoyed at this point. calum glances back at me, and i know he can tell i'm utterly pissed.

"uhhh no..." calum drifts off, making me smirk. "i'm um- mexican, yeah?" he says in a very obvious australian accent. she blinks in surprise, and i have to control my breathing so that i don't burst out into a fit of laughter.

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