"green empathy jumper."

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"i wanna hold you all night,
i wanna tell you that you're all mine
i felt our hands intertwine,
i hear our hearts beating in time"
{never be, 5 seconds of summer}


i was worried elliot would find out about my disappearance, but when indigo and i got to london, i was pleased to find out that elliot had no clue i even left. our day off, also happened to be his day off, so he didn't even bother to check in with the boys. so when we got back, indigo and i arrived to the hotel and went to our separate rooms, and she notified management that she was back. the real question now, i guess, is what the hell are we going to do now?

do we continue to lie? keep our relationship under suspicion and wait it out? i suppose i could go about getting rid of elliot, but there's other members of our management that may not be too happy about our relationship.

i don't have any time to voice my opinions with indigo, though, because we have twenty minutes to get ready to meet everyone downstairs before we get shuttled off to do promo. the album is getting released tomorrow, and we're in london for the beginning of the day, before we have to fly to new york, where it's 6 or so hours earlier, to do more promo. i think it's safe to say, that i'm jet lagged as fuck and wishing i could take a fat ass nap.

this next week will no doubt be filled with nothing but promo and shows, and before today, i was far from excited for any of it. not only was i filled with nerves and apprehension about this album and how it would be perceived, but also stressed over indigo and what i would do without her. granted, things aren't perfect now, but i suddenly feel excited about it all. i love the album, and am proud of everything we put into it, and honestly think the reaction will be positive.

today will be full of interviews, as will tomorrow. tomorrow night, we have the album release party with people in new york. i'm excited to talk about the album, and find out how the fans like it.


fuck, i'm tired.

i'm so beyond jet lagged, i could truly pass out any second. the interviews today were boring, and repetitive as hell. i hardly got to see indigo, which i'm sure is elliot's doing. but it's nine o' clock now, and i get to go to my room and go to sleep. on my way up, i slip my phone out of my pants pocket.

to 'flower':
"come to my room? 304."

i send the message, hoping she does come. i didn't like not getting to be with her all day, especially not getting to kiss her, i feel depleted.

god, you sound like a fucking puppy

i smile slightly, knowing i'm absolutely whipped for that damn southern belle, not that i care in the slightest.

from 'flower':
"miss me already? clingy ;)"

i roll my eyes at her response, laughing lowly.

to 'flower':
"how rude. don't act like you don't miss this body."

i smirk at my response, still staring at the screen as i walk. i don't even realize i've already approached my room until i hear a small voice sound in front of me.

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