* "what are you gonna do about it?"

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"this thing we got is crazy.
only thing I know is
you're my baby."
{the way, kehlani ft chance the rapper}

*** this starts off right after the last chapter. also theres smut and it might be awful. ok go read now*


i scoff at mia's words, hardly believing she actually had the nerve to speak like this.

"i only get bored of those who easily bore, mia. don't be spiteful because that just so happens to be one of your personality traits" i say sternly, making her gaze switch to me, shocked at my statement.

"leave us the fuck alone," i pause. "please." my plea is full of anger, and i don't stop the look of disgust creeping on my face. her pretty face is no match for her horrid behavior, and i'm afraid that if i look at her for any longer, i'll puke.

before she can say anything else, i drop my hand from where it's wrapped around indigo, and interlace our fingers instead. tugging her with me, i walk around mia and head to the other side of the room, where luke, ashton, and sierra are standing around a table. before we get to them, i slow down to a stop.

when i turn to indigo, she's looking at her feet. i frown at this, not liking it at all. gripping her chin between my thumb and forefinger, i tilt her head up so that her eyes meet mine. her eyes are slightly watery, but she blinks it away quickly. i sigh softly, my frown staying put.

"i didn't mean to make you mad," indigo says softly, her tone guilty. i widen my eyes at her, instantly denying this.

"baby, what- no," my words are quick, and she looks at me solemnly. "you stood up for yourself, she insulted you. why would i ever be angry with you?" my words are genuine, and my hand drips from her face to grip her waist softly.

"i guess you're right... that was just so unlike me, talking back to someone like that," her voice is distant, like she's thinking very hard about it. i smile slightly.

"it just means you've grown a backbone, that's good," i respond, not wanting her to see herself as the one in the wrong. "you need one dealing with people like her." indigo nods, her cheeks tinting pink as she lets herself smile back at me.

"it doesn't matter now, she got the message," she says. i nod vigorously at this, making her giggle quietly. she starts to turn away from me, towards the way we were originally walking, but i stop her before she does.

"y-you know what she said isn't true, right?" i ask her timidly. i'm a relatively confident person, but mia's words were ones that i did not want planted in indigo's mind. her smile wavers slightly, but it doesn't drop completely.

"she's an intimidating person, but i have a feeling you would make it known to me if you were bored of me," she says reasonably. i settle a bit at her words, but still am a bit uneasy over it.

"you're not one who could ever bore me, flower. please don't let that get in your head," i respond quietly, but seriously. her smile returns at this. she lifts a her hand to my chest, before standing up on her toes. i recognize the action easily, and swiftly lean down to her lips. she kisses me softly, but it's enough to reassure me completely.

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