"how the hell is this going to work?"

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can't you see,
i want you so much.
you take away all my fears,
you take away all my fears.
{fears, twin wild}


i'm awaken from my deep sleep to a loud knocking heard throughout the hotel room. as i sit up, it takes me a moment to recognize my surroundings, before i realize i'm still in calum's room. i find myself blushing at the fact that we fell asleep in the same bed, again, although our friendship has been strictly platonic. i'm rudely interrupted from my thoughts when the loud knocking resumes on the hotel room door.

i assume it's calum, who walked out and forgot his key, but failed to notice the faint noise of the shower running in the hotel bathroom. in my ignorance, i sleepily walk towards the door, adjusting my ratty hair as i do so, before swinging it open to reveal a very confused luke hemmings.

"indie?" oh fuck. i look back at him with just as much surprise, both our jaws hanging, neither of us saying another word. i open my mouth to speak before closing it again, not really trusting my words in this situation.

"do i have the wrong room?" he scrunches his eyebrows together before stepping back to look at the room number, and i cough awkwardly. i'm trying to think of what to say or how to explain why i'm in calum's room, in only a flannel, while calum is no where to be seen.

as if on cue, the bathroom door behind me opens and in his glistening glory, calum hood steps out in only a loose towel. you've got to be fucking kidding me right now. i just about facepalm when i realize how this looks. me answering calum's door half dressed, and calum is walking out of the shower practically naked. even in the midst of all this i can't help but glance calum over, appreciating his toned chest and the water droplets covering him, making his muscles seem even more inviting.

i'm quick to snap out of my trance to turn back around to face luke, who no longer holds a look of confusion, but now sports a bold smirk and a raised eyebrow as his eyes glance between calum and i.

"uh luke, c-come in?" i splutter out, wanting to get the door closed so i can explain to him what's going on without anyone else stumbling upon us.

"oh indigo i'm flattered but i'm not really into threeso-" my eyes widen at what he's saying and i feel as my face becomes bright red as calum chuckles behind me, that bastard.

"oh my god luke, no, just get in here damnit," i mutter before reaching out to grab his wrist and pull him inside, letting the door close behind him. he walks over and plops himself down on the unmade bed. calum turns me towards him and i cross my arms before looking up at him with as neutral of a face as i can muster.

"now might be a good time to put on some pants," i say to him quietly, trying to keep my frustration from fizzling over at how nonchalant he's acting.

"hmm i could say the same for you," he says cheekily before quickly pinching my side and walking back into the bathroom. i sighed and slowly turned back around to talk to luke, who is looking up at me expectantly, keeping that trademark smirk on his face.

"so... you guys are sleeping together or..?" he says in a completely chill tone. me on the other hand, i almost choked on my spit from his words.

"god-no, we're friends. we literally just fell asleep eating chinese, it's nothing like that. we're nothing more than friends i swear." he simply shrugs and nods before glancing behind me. i turn my gaze to see calum standing behind me in a pair of loose sweats, a sour look overtaking his features.

luke stands up to walk over to the door. he turns back and nods over at me.

"alright, friends. i'll see you later for promo. try not to get too friendly while i'm gone." he sends me one last smirk before strolling out of the room. i sighed out of relief, all of that going surprisingly better than i expected. calum walks past me to his suitcase before going through his clothes. i stand by the bathroom door awkwardly while i wait for him to say something to me.

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