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"we found love on an empty page,
kill the stars above trying
to fight the fade
and now my heart skips heavy underneath the waves."
{bigger than love, oh wonder}

before this year, indigo never knew what it was like to have someone love her unconditionally in the way that calum does. someone who would stick by her even through the tough shit, and all the whole focus on how she feels even when he should be focusing on himself. no one ever gave her that sort of love, so one could suppose she never thought she deserved it. that is changing now, she's changing.

indigo remembers watching romance movies, and reading romantic novels as a teenager. the women were never necessarily empowered by the men they pursued, or were pursued by. it was more of a game, a race to get the prize. they would make each other happy, but only because their self worth seemed to depend on what the other thought of them.

the woman would be seen as nothing without the man, and the man would stop at nothing to win the woman. indigo thought that was all she was. a prize to be won, a possession of the man that she was oh so lucky to call hers.

then, she met calum. he treated her as more than just an object, even in the first time he stood up for her, defending her clothing choice against elliot's misogynistic comments. yes, he did treat her delicately, and at times fell subject to the idea that as her man, he needed to protect her. the difference with him though, is it didn't take all that much to realize that she didn't need that sort of protection.

he recognized indigo as an equal. a woman who shows just as much, perhaps in his mind more, strength as him. he figured out that it isn't about him only having to protect her, but really about both of them protecting each other. their love, trust and dedication did this by itself.

neither of them believed in fate, or that there's one person your meant to be with, and they still don't necessarily believe in that now. however, they did end up together. their paths crossed and they were drawn to each other easily.

nothing in life is perfect, and they both have had their fair share of hardships and struggles throughout their life. yet, the two of them found their way to each other and were able to mend one another's past wounds, and fall in love all the while. now, they will spend the rest of their life together.

both will continue in their success. although, they'll still endure hardships, as life always has its twists and turns. but it will be okay, because they have one another to come home to.

in a way, their love is simple. a classic, almost impossibly perfect love that all humans strive for (whether one is repressing that want or not).

then again, their story is not typical. a young, aspiring photographer who just so happens to get her dream job working with her favorite band. she then, of course, falls in love with the man of her dreams, the one she never thought she would get, or even deserved.

all experiences are unique and important, no matter how they seem in comparison to others. both indigo and calum found common ground in the way their minds worked and what they wanted from life.

indigo found self worth through the constant empowerment of calum. he supported her, believed in her, and did all he could to not hold her back. he made her feel special, desired. she holds her value in what she gives herself, not what she can give to others.

calum found purpose beyond materialistic life. indigo gave him something more than just an inanimate object to care about. there is nothing more empty than living a life where your main concern is the amount of money you make or how successful you are, even if you didn't realize you were dependent on those thoughts. indigo embodies something deeper than just a conquest of success for calum.

the two of them gave each other the discovery of true, deep love. they represent the beauty of supporting and empowering those you love, and coexisting together without taking anything from one another.

this isn't to say that this is the type of love one should strive for, but their love does symbolize the important of walking with one another, rather than one leading the other.

perhaps one day those who look at their
story and wish for one of their own, will
find their own love story, one perfect
for them as calum is perfect for indigo
and indigo is perfect for calum.



an afterthought;
love is everywhere. it's displayed on our screens as we scroll through post after post, it's shoved in our faces through holidays celebrating it and the media portrayal of it.

some people never find unconditional love, they never have a soulmate that they want to share everything with. some have more than one, loosing one and are blessed with another. and some, like indigo and calum, find their person at the perfect time, and spend the rest of their life together.

even if you feel as if you are one who will never find someone, don't let that control you life. life is unpredictable, it is constantly changing. you are evolving every second, a different event is occurring every time you take a breath, and probably in between each breath as well. you are living, which is more than one could say for others, who are... you know... dead.

thus the beauty of fiction, of imagination. one can be whoever they may want to be. the stories we read and the stories we create can be interpreted in millions of ways, and give anyone the ability to live however they want to live. don't necessarily base your expectations of life off of fictional literature, because that could prove disappointing, but do use it as an escape and a way to express yourself in ways you never can in reality.

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