"are you going to kiss me now?"

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and i've been waiting so long,
just to love you
{luv, psalm}

i recommend listening to
luv when i place the * in
the chapter. also this chapter
doesn't really have 'smut',
but i guess it could make
someone who doesn't like
reading smut uncomfortable.



he has ruined everything.

i'm falling in love with him.

as i watched him talk and listen to my mom, i simply felt it. he was so curious to everything she had to say, and was just a pure gentleman. i have yet to see him make one wrong move towards me.

i'm walking back to my hotel room now, i walked my mom to hers room on the upper floor, before meeting him back at mine. i knock on the door, since i gave him the key earlier he should already be here.

the door opens quickly after my fist moves from it, and i'm met with none other than calum grinning down at me. he opens the door leisurely, letting me pass by him before shutting the door. as soon as it shuts he turns around to look down at me. i'm quick to lift my hands to place on ether side of his jaw, before pulling his face down to be level with mine. his grin turns into a close lipped smirk at my actions, a knowing glint in his eye.

"are you going to kiss me now?" he whispers cheekily, making me roll my eyes before smashing our lips together. he chuckles into the kiss, wrapping his arms around me tightly. he takes a few steps forward, causing me to walk backwards while keeping our lips connecting. before i know it, my back is flush up against the wall, one of his hands moving to rest on the wall beside my head, while the other moves up and down my side slowly.

i move my own hands from his jaw to the back of his neck, threading my fingers through his hair instinctively. our tongues battle for dominance and i feel his hand slip under the fabric of my shirt, cold fingers leaving goosebumps in their wake. he moves his head back, both of us staring at each other.

"thank you for tonight," i murmur, our close proximity keeping me from speaking loudly.

"thank you for coming," he says with a wink, making me scoff playfully.

"as if i would turn down free food," i smirk at the fake offended glance he gives me. "i'm kidding calum, tonight was lovely. i think my mom really likes you."

he smiles brightly at my words, his cheeks tinting a light pink. his face scrunches up in the adorable way it tends to when he's happy, making me swoon. i place a light kiss on his nose, making his face relax into a simple smile as he looks back at me.

"i'm going to go shower, maybe we could watch a movie after?" he asks, making me smile at the thought. suddenly another thought comes in my mind, making me wonder how he'd react to the proposal.

"i need a shower too," i say quietly in a questioning voice. he smirks slyly just as i thought he would, getting ready to make a suggesting remark.

"hm, maybe we should take one together, to save water and such?" he asks, his voice laced with sarcasm as he wiggles his eyebrows at me. i keep my face neutral and shrug.

"okay," i respond quietly, wiping the smirk off his face as he looks at me incredulously. i give him a small smile before lightly pushing him away from me, and walking towards the bathroom. i turn around before going inside, to see him still looking at me blankly.

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