"es-tu prêt pour une aventure?"

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PSA: when i put indigo's outfits on here, it doesn't mean she looks like the people wearing them. indigo isn't super slim, she has larger hips, not a flat stomach, and her bust is relatively large. she's also short, 5'3. not that there's anything wrong at all with looking like the women in the pictures, every body type is beautiful, this is just how she's portrayed in this book! the pictures are to show the outfits only.

and i saw you
when i caught your eye,
and it's such a pretty price to pay.
{call me in the afternoon,  half moon run}


when my eyes flutter open, i slowly take in my surroundings. i'm on my side, with a hand on a warm surface that i have yet to recognize. i lift my head to see a very precious sleeping calum, who's arms are loosely wound around my torso as our legs intertwine beneath the covers. he softly snores whilst sleeping causing me to smile at his cuteness and sigh contently.

last night ended beautifully. i've never been treated the way calum treats me. he's so... delicate with me. he truly showed how much he cared for me last night. he took the kiss slow, and made sure i felt comfortable in each move he made. i've never been caressed, i've never been asked to be kissed before someone kisses me, i've never had someone call me lovely. usually once they get what they want they don't stay to comfort and assure me.

calum is truly an angel sent to me, and i couldn't have asked for anything else. i tilt my chin so i can further gaze at his relaxed face. i admire his features, as they make him even more beautiful. his moles and his stubble. his curly locks that are currently falling all over his forehead, and sticking out in various places. his slightly chapped lips and scruffy eyebrows.

i softly place my knuckles against his cheek before moving my fingers to play with his chocolate locks. his eyebrows furrow and i reluctantly remove my hand before placing it between us. i quickly shut my eyes, knowing he's waking up and not wanting to seem like a creep being caught staring. i hear a soft chuckle before calum speaks.

"mmm, i know you're awake sweetheart," he says groggily. i my stomach does flips at the pet name and his deep morning voice. i let a smile slip before opening my eyes to see him smiling softly back down at me.

"you look cute when you sleep," i murmur. lifting my hand to lightly pinch his cheek. he scrunches up his nose and chuckles.

"is that so?" he says cheekily, letting his hand rest on my cheek as his thumb rubs softly. i close my eyes at his touch and lean into his hand with a smile. i'm feeling brave this morning, and as i open my eyes to see his beautiful self smiling at me brightly, i find myself wanting nothing more than to press my lips to his.

"may i kiss you calum?" i say softly, repeating his words from the night before. his eyebrows shoot up, waking up more as he takes in the words i said. i smile innocently at his reaction and slowly lift myself from my sleeping position before shifting so that my knees rest on either side of his waist and i'm leaning over him. he glances between our bodies, clearly taken aback by my movements that have led me to practically straddle him. after a few moments his face relaxes and he raises an eyebrow with a smirk as he stares up at me.

"i would love nothing more," he says, lifting his hand to place it on the nape of my neck. taking the hint, i lean down, propped up on one hand while my other goes to cup his cheek. our lips press together softly, moving together in a beautiful rhythm, as calum smiles into the kiss.

i feel him shift under me and he temporarily parts our lips as he sits up and wraps his arms around my body, leaving me to sit in his lap. i lean my forehead against his and he wastes no time in placing his lips to mine again, moving against mine softly before darting his tongue out to deepen the kiss. i part my lips and he continues to kiss me passionately, softly rubbing his hands up and down my back rhythmically.

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