"i hear the window seat is the safest."

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i'm hoping that you'll keep
your heart open,
i'll keep mine open too
{prey, the neighborhood}


i wake up a little bit before the alarm, the feeling of something heavily pressing on my chest. once my eyes open, i'm met with the top of indigo's head, and her tangly mess of hair spread over my chest. during the night, she must have shifted to where she's literally laying on top of me. normally, i wouldn't mind, but today i've really got to piss. as softly as possible, i roll off her, smiling when her arms stretch out, looking for me. i place a pillow in my place, tucking the covers around her carefully as she snuggles into the pillows and blankets.

before walking to the bathroom, i shut the alarm off, deciding to just wake indigo up once i'm done in the bathroom. after i do my business, i walk back out to the bedroom, grinning at the view in front of me. indigo is still fast asleep, her lips turned up in a content smile. her hair is fanned out over the pillows behind her, and she's snuggled into the plush blankets adorably. the green jumper of mine is peeking out, and i can't help but love the way she looks with it pushed up against her neck. taking my phone from the dresser, i snap a couple photos of her, before setting it as my home screen. my lockscreen, is a picture of duke, with indigo's hands squishing his cheeks. i cant have one of my many photos of indigo as my lockscreen for obvious reasons, so that one seemed like a good substitute. 

i crawl onto the bed, hovering myself over indigo, before not-so-gracefully dropping all of my body weight onto her. her eyes shoot open, and she emits an annoyed groan at my sudden actions, making me laugh loudly. normally i would feel bad for waking her up in such a way, but seeing as i did wake up in a similar fashion, so this only seemed fair.

"caluuummm, what the fuck?" she hisses out, her voice laced with sleep and frustration. my laughing quiets down to a low chuckle, and she squirms underneath me.

"mornin' princess," i say cheekily, placing wet kisses all over her cheeks and nose. she just grumbles out some incoherent response, pushing her hands up against me to try and push my body off her, and grunting when she has no luck in it.

"christ calum, get your fat ass off me," she huffs out, sighing and going limp as she gives up on trying to push me off. i sit back, moving off her, before gasping dramatically at her with wide eyes.

"did you just call me... fat?" my eyes narrow at her as i watch her try to hide a smile.

"yes, i thought i was going to suffocate," she says matter-of-factly, her lips twitching into a small smirk. i raise a brow, lifting my hands towards her tauntingly. her eyes widen, but before she can protest i'm already on top of her again, tickling her sides, where she's most ticklish.

"calum!" she lets out a girlish squeal, along with a string of giggles as she squirms underneath me. "o-oh my god, i'm gonna pee- stooopppp," she's laughing so hard now, her face is red and her hair is everywhere, and it might just be the most endearing sight. i cease my movements, her body stilling as she looks up at me, a small smile on her face as her breathing slows.

"you are..." she stops to take a breath "a colossal douche," she finishes, making me smile brightly down at her, fully amused. a few strands of hair are falling over her face, so i instinctively move my hand to brush them to the side, her eyes closing slightly at the action. i then lean down, kissing her lips softly.

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