* "flower, will you marry me?"

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"i hear our hearts beating in time.
i need to hold you hold you all night,
i need to tell you that you're all mine."
{never be, 5 seconds of summer}


"...my voice is immediately taken away at the sight of calum kneeling down onto one knee..."

any breath i had left has exited my body, and it feels as if everything has stopped moving, including my heart. all there is is calum and the look of complete endearment flooding his eyes as he pulls out a small black velvet box from his jacket pocket.

"flower, will you marry me?"

the box in his hand flips open, but i'm too busy looking at his eyes to even look at it. and just like that, all of the air comes rushing back into my body. the tears are flowing steadily now, and i don't even notice the flashes of cameras next to us. i don't even hesitate when i rush forward, falling to my knees quickly and wrapping my arms around his neck. my face falls to his chest, and i feel his arms wrap around me. he stands up, pulling me with him. i pull back, eyes meeting his through blurry vision.

"yes," i choke out. "god- yes, calum." i can't even speak correctly, and i watch as any former nerves vanish from his eyes. instead they're filled with pure joy, and he pulls the box in between us. he takes my left hand, and it's now that i finally look at the beautiful ring he's placing on my finger. it's so unique, so perfect for me, i don't even know how he was able to find exactly what i wanted, without me even telling him.

the diamonds are small, but that's not the important part. the important part, is the way they're intricately woven into the ring with strands of gold and silver, forming a sort of texture that looks almost like the roots of a tree. there's one slightly larger diamond in the middle, and two smaller on either side. i can't help but gape at the perfect fit of the absolutely stunning ring on my finger.

i look back up at calum with clear eyes now, my lips pulled into a wide smile. calum's face mirrors mine, and i don't wait another second before reaching out to take his face in my hands. stepping forward, i smash my lips to him, to which he responds to by wrapping his arms around my body, pulling me close to him as he kisses me back just as fiercely.

i completely disregard all of the whoops and screams and people surrounding us, as my senses are filled with nothing but calum and all of the love circling between us. the kiss seems to last a lifetime, yet still not long enough, when we finally part. our foreheads rest against each other's, and i hear the faint sound of kacey finishing the song.

it's all a blur now, though. the only thing i can see, and hear, clearly, is calum. he holds me even closer now, telling me how much he loves me in between singing every word into my ear.

"oh, i used to be scared of the wilderness,
of the dark
but not anymore, anymore."

- after the concert...

my senses are yet again clouded with nothing but calum as his lips work up from where my shirt covers my chest until he reaches my collarbones. i instinctively jut forward against him as he sucks harshly on the spot that he know drives me absolutely wild. in retaliation, he pins my hips harder against the wooden door, stopping me from making any more movements. he lifts his head up a bit with a lazy grin as if to gauge my reaction.

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