authors note

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(the first few chapters are short and not well written but it's getting better i swear stick w it and it gets better)
characters taken from reality are not complete copies yet merely similar and changed by my imagination

this book is completely original and any similarities to other works is purely coincidental

lower case intended


there is an age gap between the two characters (4 years)

there will be profanity, mature scenes, sexual references, and some other deep shit so read at your own risk❤️ xx
HI you guys i'm kaylee(: so im rewriting my story because i hated the story line and i got a better idea lol. so i'm shit at writing but it's fun so here this is lmao! so yeah? my niece's name is Indy Harper so that's where i got the name from!
i'm going to be honest, indigo is based solely off of me. however i made her older so that she would be out of high school. i imagine her with the long dirty blonde hair and greenish eyes and she's short and stout like i am. so yeah! but you can imagine her however you want!
calum in this book is how i imagine him to be. it's set in 2018, so i imagine him looking like he does right now(:
!ALSO! the brother 'andrew' in this is gay, and is very comfortable about it. indigo and he joke a lot, and some of it probably could've taken as offensive to someone out there, so i'm warning you now. andrew is based off my brother, who is also gay. and indigo and his relationship is exactly how my brother and i act around each other. so please don't comment something rude if she something like "hurry your gay ass up" because although i know it sounds immature and could be taken offensively, they're always just joking around like siblings do. any rude comments will be deleted.
so yeahhhhhhh
this is my first book so i really hope it isn't trash!

kaylee xx

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