"calum hood always gets bored of his toys."

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you've set my world on fire,
and i know everything's
gonna be alright
you make the world look beautiful
{golden hour, kacey musgraves}


tonight, i'm adorned in black pants that flare out slightly at ends, along with a simple black button up. i pair it off with a necklace, a chain with a pendant that indigo gave to me. it's a simple accessory, one that doesn't seem like much. it's quite literally just a cheap sliver chain, with a single silver ring on it. the special part of it, though, is the engraving.

the two of us were exchanging songs we like, adding them to a playlist we share so that whenever we want to play music, we just turn that one on. she asked me about kacey musgraves, and i admitted that i was a huge fan. from that day on kacey's songs sort of became "our songs."

it's funny, because the two of us both had different favorite songs from her album, golden hour. mine was always slow burn, and indigo's was always rainbow. however, the album as a whole seemed to strike a chord in us when we were together. each one has easily become a special song to the two of us, for different reasons. i find myself humming them to myself whenever indigo pops into my mind.

a couple weeks after we started listening to her album a lot, she gave me this necklace. engraved in it, was a lyric from one of the songs. the gift is cheesy, and not all that original, but everything about it makes me love indigo more than i possibly could. looking at the silver metal between my fingers, i let my thumb trace over the words.

"i love the light that i've found in you."

i smile to myself, the conversation from when she gave it to me springing in my mind.


"i thought golden hour wasn't your favorite from the album?" i asked her curiously, eying the object in my hand as she looks at me nervously.

"well... yeah, but i love this lyric," she responds softly, shifting her weight from one foot to the other.

"hmm," i hum, lifting the chain around my neck before it rests on my bare chest. i take it between my fingers again, bringing it up to my lips and kissing the metal softly, looking up to indigo as i do so.

"i do too, flower." her face is bright at my words. i notice her tense stature relax.

"so you like the necklace?" i don't answer right away, instead i lean up onto my knees, crawling over to where she sits on the bed. my lips find her cheeks, sprinkling them in kisses before pulling back and meeting her pretty green eyes.

"i love it."


the necklace falls between my fingers, finding its place against my chest. i button up one last button, before tucking in the shirt how i like and buckling my belt. i slip on a pair of sleek black boots, and tousle up my hair a tad. i blow dried it and put some product in, so it's a bit straighter than normal, and is falling lazily over my forehead.

staring at my reflection, i find myself pleased with how i look. there's going to be a lot of people out there tonight, but there's only one who's opinion i really care about.

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