"you must be absolutely blind."

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because maybe, you're gonna
be the one that saves me
and after all, you're my wonderwall
{wonderwall, oasis}


i'm not quite sure what i was expecting when i decided to show up on indigo's doorstep at 6am on a thursday morning, in the pouring rain, but i certainly wasn't expecting her to immediately slam the door shut, not uttering another word.

i stare at the wooden door for far too long, my brows pulling together. "i finished the book, flower." god, am i fucking idiot or what? that was the best i could do? she looked surprised, but still hurt. i thought she'd hear me out, but she just closed the door in my face, and now i'm just cold, and wet.

i think about stepping forward and knocking, although i don't know what good that'll do, but i don't have to think about it much longer, because the door swings open again. indigo look me up and down, blinking a few times.

"fuck," she says quietly, her eyes wide. "you are here." i almost crack a smile at her flabbergasted state, but as i said before, i'm very wet and very uncomfortable, and the rain isn't letting up. indigo seems to notice this because she quickly takes a step inside, gesturing for me to come in. i step out of my shoes, although i know it won't make much of a difference because the rest of me will get the floor wet. she closes the door behind me quickly.

"i'll get you a towel and something to wear, just- uh... stay here," she says quickly, placing her hands out at me in a motion to tell me not to move. i crack a small smile when she scurries up the stares. i take a moment to look around, the house is rather empty, but i can't help to relish in the homey feel of it.

i move my head when i hear the stairs creak, indigo walking back down them. she has a towel in her hands along with a pair of sweats and a t-shirt. she moves it in front of me, and i quickly take them from her hands.

"go up the stairs, turn left, and the bathroom will be on your left," she says, her voice shaking subtly. i decide not to say anything to her yet, because i just really want out of these wet clothes. i follow her directions, ending up in s bathroom with light yellow walls. i glance up and my i find myself confused at the sight of a literal door on the wall, suspended up a few feet. realizing it's probably the attic, i shake my head. after stripping the wet clothes from my body, i use the warm towel to dry my cold skin.

i step into the slightly larger sweatpants, tying the strings tighter. i slip the loose t-shirt over my my head, my senses being filled with the smell of indigo. i quickly recognize the shirt as one she wears often to bed. it has the logo of some metal band, and it used to be her oldest brother's. it's one of her favorites, although it doesn't look like much. i rub the fabric between my fingers, trying to gain the courage to walk back out. i wrap the wet clothes in the towel, and open the door, before stepping out into the hallway. i begin to walk to the stairs, when i hear my name called out.

"calum," indigo sounds from beside me. "i'm in here," i follow her voice to see her in the room down the hall from the bathroom. i quickly realize its her bedroom, because it hasn't been packed like the rest of the house. it's pretty simple, no elaborate themes or anything. beige walls, adorned with a couple random paintings, pictures, or posters. above the head of her bed is a bulletin board filled with small moments from her childhood, and countless ribbons i suspect were won at her horse competitions. i walk to the bed, still taking in her room. i break out in a smile, the first real one in a week, at the collection of posters above her dresser. it's posters from our concerts. and my smile turns into a smirk at the cutout from a magazine, sporting my face.

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