"life has a funny way of working out." (bonus)

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     i don't know the last time i felt so much excitement. i can hardly contain it as i sit on the couch, fidgeting in anticipation. calum had to fly out to london to meet with their new record label. they're still on a bit of a hiatus, but with their contract with modest ending it's important they find something new.

    the new record label is supposed to be great, and i'm ecstatic that they were able to find someone who has the same vision as they do. that's not what i'm so excited about, however. in my hands, i'm clutching a small black box. it's cheesy, but it was the best way i could think to do this. i hear the doorknob of the front door jingle, the lock clicking off before it's opened. i set the box on the table before rising and walking towards the door.

i'm met with tired eyes and a noticeable frown, my own lips turning downwards at calum's demeanor. calum walks past me, not even saying a word before setting his things in the floor by the entranceway. i furrow my eyes, watching him run his hands through his hair before turning to look at me.

"baby... are you okay?" i ask softly, walking to him and placing a hand to cup his cheek. his eyes show the frustration he holds and he sighs.

"they want us to release a single next month," he murmurs. "said they won't sign someone who isn't producing." my heart falls a bit, but i always knew he'd have to go back on the road— it's what he loves.

"i—i'm so sorry, flower. i know we're trying, and we still can... i just know it's hard when i'm traveling and i just— i didn't think we'd be back in the game so quickly... i'm sor—" i cut him off by wrapping my arms around his neck, embracing him. after a few moments, he relaxes against my touch, wounding his arms around my back tightly and pressing kisses into the crook of my neck.

"don't apologize, calum," i murmur, leaning back and smiling softly at him. he lets out a breath, averting his gaze down in disappointment.

"you still love it, yes?" i ask, knowing his answer.

"of course, it's my life." i nod, bringing my hand back up to his cheek before letting my thumb brush over his cheekbone.

"and you still love me?" i know this answer already as well. his brows raise, giving me an indignant glare.

"i could never stop." ignoring the flutter in my chest, i nod at him.

"that's all the matters, yeah? everything else we can work out," i assure him. "life has a funny way of working out." calum grins, shaking his head almost in disbelief. he doesn't give me a moment say any more before his lips are on mine. a sense of appreciation and love vibrating through the two of us.

pulling apart, calum peppers kisses over my cheeks, eliciting giggles from me. i step out of his embrace, picking up one of his bags to take to his room. once we settle everything down, i turn to him while trying to hide the smile that threatens to break through.

"cal?" i say to get his attention.

he turns to me saying, "yeah, baby?" his attention fully on me as he starts walking up to me. i glance at my feet for a second before looking back at him.

"there's something in the living room i want to show you." he raises a brow in suspicion. as he approaches me, his hand rests against my waist softly.

"don't tell me you redid it and completely ruined the aesthetic i created?" he teases, though we both know he would most definitely divorce me if i did such a thing— okay maybe not divorce— but he would be undeniably pissed.

"never," i laugh lightly, taking his hand and leading him into the room. i pick up the box, nerves and anticipation filling my gut and making my hands slightly shaky.

"i—i got you a present," i tell him. he takes it from me gingerly, looking up me with a confused expression.

"my birthday was 2 months ago," he reminds me. i roll my eyes, smiling widely.

"just open it, smartass," as he does so, i find my emotions getting the best of me as a small tear slips from my eye. his hands flex against the box as his grip on it tightens, eyes locked at what's inside. his head shoots up to look at me, eyes glassy and surprised. i give him a sheepish smile, feeling a few more tears wet my cheek.

"i—indigo... what—," his voice is quiet, as if his breath has been stolen i take a few steps forward, wrapping a hand around his wrist softly.

"i—it's positive," he whispers, his eyes still focused on the pink and white pregnancy test laying in the tissue paper.

"it is," i murmur in response. "and so were the 10 others i took after it." calum let's out an astonished laugh at this, looking at me with wet cheeks that mirror mine as they fall past his smiling lips. calum puts the box on the table before turning to me and grabbing my face in his hands. his lips crash to mine, in a kiss so full of emotions and happiness neither of us care about the salty taste of our mixed tears.

"we're having a baby," calum whispers against my lips, nuzzling his nose against mine affectionately before placing another soft kiss to my lips. i grin against his before opening my eyes to look at him.

"we're having a baby."

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