"you care if i snog indigo?"

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i think i might've inhaled you, i could feel you behind my eyes
you've gotten into my bloodstream
i could feel you flowing in me
{bloodstream, stateless}


there's hardly ever a morning where indigo wakes up before me. she loves sleeping in, and is certainly not a morning person. i think one of my favorite things about sleeping in the same bed as her is waking up before her.

when i first wake up, she's holding onto me. we're usually in a completely different position than the night before. indigo moves an incredible amount in her sleep, especially when we first are trying to fall asleep. part of the reason i get up before her is because i experienced a sharp kick to my hip or something.

but i don't mind.

i'll look down and see her head on my chest, probably a tad bit of drool coming from her mouth. her hair is sprawled out over the pillow, but not against her neck because for some strange reason she can't stand for it to touch her neck when she sleeps.

my favorite sight is seeing her face utterly relaxed. she looks like the epitome of peacefulness. she always looks beautiful, but it's times like this i'm blown away that she can look so stunning without even being awake.

i almost always get up before the alarm, and i usually turn it off when i get up. mainly because i hate the way she reacts when the alarm goes off. her eyebrows scrunch up and a groan emits from her mouth. i don't like seeing her so upset, so i turn it off and just wake her up myself, she's usually much happier when i wake her up with a bunch of kisses rather than the alarm clock.

this morning i woke up twenty minutes before the alarm, giving me ten minutes to snuggle with her peacefully. when i get up, her eyebrows furrow and she reaches her arms out, searching for me. i scoot my pillow towards her arms, and i smile as i watch her pull it close to her, her face relaxing. if we're somewhere that has a coffee maker, i'll make her a cup of coffee.

she likes milk in hers, but no sugar.

i walk over to the side of the bed, setting the cup down on the bedside table before sitting down. leaning over i lean down and place a kiss to her temple.

"wake up indigo," i say softly, placing my hand on her cheek. her eyelids flutter open, eyes glazing over as she wakes up. when she is fully awake her eyes lock with mine, a smile spreading over her face.

"it's always a good morning when you're the first thing i see, calum," she murmurs, her voice slightly gravely. my smile widens at her words, as i lean forward again and place a kiss to her nose.

"we're going home today," i say excitedly, watching her face light up in realization.

we played in phoenix last night, and today we go back to california for our last three shows of the north american tour. i think i'm most excited to see duke.

"i'm so excited to see andrew, phone calls weren't enough," she murmurs quietly. she lifts her hands to her face, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. i admire the way her face scrunches up slightly, and her mouth opens to emit a yawn. i grin at the action, finding it strangely endearing and she gives me a funny look. instead of saying anything else though, she simply takes my hand in hers and squeezes it, smiling back at me.

i scoot closer to her on the bed, before cupping her jaw in my hand and leaning forward to place my lips on hers softly. she kisses me back instantly, as if it's just a reflex at this point. i melt into the kiss, as i usually do when it comes to indigo. she pulls back after a few more moments, hands resting against my chest as she smiles at me curiously.

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