"i want to give you all of me, if you'll let me."

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"oh, i can feel it,
magic in your fingertips
and i can hear it in the words
coming off your lips."
{love is a wild thing, kacey musgraves}

6 months later


"if you don't stop we're never going to leave this bed," i groan out, weakly attempting to push calum's large body off of me. there's no point though, as i don't really want him to stop, and i know we still have an hour until we actually have to leave. i quickly forget why i'm arguing when his teeth replace his lips on the tender skin of my collarbone, nipping at it and making me audibly whimper at the feeling.

"hmm, doesn't seem like y' want me to stop," he hums against my skin, pulling away slightly to blow cool air over the spot, no doubt leaving goosebumps in his wake. he lifts his head up to flash a goofy grin at me, eyes sparkling in satisfaction out of my flushed state.

"yes calum," i huff. "you're very irresistible." he bites down on his lip at my sarcastic but-not-really-sarcastic words.

"but, i really do need to start getting ready for tonight," i reason, seeing as it's 6pm and we have to be leaving by 7. rather than groan as he usually does when i try to be reasonable, he just smiles giddily, nodding as he sits back. i sit up too, scooting off the bed after him.

i start to walk to the bathroom so i can start on my makeup, but am of course stopped by two hands wrapping around my waist and pulling me back against calum's chest. he nudged my head to the side with his own, dipping down to place a sweet kiss to my exposed shoulder, seeing as i'm clad only in a sports bra.

"are you excited for tonight?" he asks hopefully, lips moving from my shoulder to feather soft kisses up my neck and onto my jaw. i lean back into him, tilting my head so i can see his and smiling softly.

"so much, i still can't believe you got us these tickets," i say excitedly. calum surprised me on christmas with two tickets to see kacey musgraves live, and i've been beside myself with excitement since.

"i'm so glad, baby," he murmurs, lips still pressed against my skin as his calloused hands splay out over my bare stomach.

"i've really missed you," he says quietly, making my heart tug. i've been gone for the past month, he's on vacation right now, just writing for the next album and such, whereas i accepted a temporary job with a close friend's band, for a month. they lost their photographer and were searching desperately to find one last minute, so i stepped in.

it was torture to be away from calum, especially considering we've been together almost every day for the past 11 months it feels like. he seems to have been experiencing the side effects in full force too, as he hasn't taken his hands off me since i got in late last night. not that i've been complaining, as i've been craving his touch just as much. i'm exceptionally excited for tonight, because last night i was much too tired to do any more there cuddle. after the concert tonight though, i know exactly what will occur.

"i think i missed you more," i retaliate, spinning around in his grip. he's smiling softly down at me, eyes glazing over my face in content. he dips down slowly, and i'm quick to respond by reaching up on my toes to meet his lips in a sweet kiss.

"but if i don't do my makeup soon, we will also be missing this concert and i don't think you'd want that, would you?" i ask humorously, quirking a brow at him. he grins at this, shaking his head and letting his arms fall from around me. i giggle quietly before turning around and heading to the bathroom to get ready.

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