* "life is never fair."

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"and they say everything that goes up, must come down
i don't wanna come down"
{happy and sad, kacey musgraves}

a/n most of this chapter is literally just smut, BUT!! the end of the chapter is v important so make sure u still read that if u skip the smut. also the smut isn't good but i was horny so here we are. ok i'll shut up now


my eyes shoot open when i feel movement underneath me. i lazily lift my head, seeing that duke isn't on our bed, so it couldn't be him moving so much. then my eyes move to the person below me, who can't seem to lay still. calum's eyes are squeezed shut, making me think he's having a nightmare of sorts, his legs shifting slightly. i glance at the clock to see that its only seven am.

my attention quickly moves back to calum however, when a noise that sounds a hell of a lot like a moan comes from his mouth. i look down at him with wide eyes, watching his face contort into one of pleasure. is he having a sex dream?

"i-inds," he whines in his sleep, making my jaw slacken at his words. holy fuck- he's having a sex dream about me.

this could be fun.

i lift the covers slightly, biting back a smirk at the sight of his brief-covered erection. carefully, i move myself so that i'm full hovering over him, straddling him, but not actually sitting down on him, while my hands rest on either side of his face. not wanting to do anything until he's coherent, i move my face down next to his ear.

"calum, baby, wake up," i murmur, one of my hands moving to cup his jaw. his eyes blink open, eyebrows drawn adorably as he looks up at me.

"ind-" he starts to croak out, but i shut him up with a soft kiss. i pull back, and he's eyeing my skeptically.

"were you having a good dream?" i ask innocently, pulling my lip between my teeth. he visibly gulps, eyes moving down as he notices our position.


"certainly sounded like a good one," i add on, a teasing tone to my voice. his eyes widen, and i take that moment to lower myself onto him. my bare heat presses firmly down on his clothed length, making his jaw literally drop. i let my lips fall to his collarbone, laying kisses along it.

"want to tell me what was happening in it?" i ask, urging him to answer when i lift my head to look straight in his eyes. he still looks a tad shocked, but his lips are turning up into a small smirk now. i feel his hands on my hips, inching the only piece of clothing i'm wearing, which happens to be his shirt, up slightly.

"you really wanna know, baby?" he asks just as teasingly, picking up on where this is inevitably going. i nod, feigning innocence on my face as i roll my hips against him lightly. his grip on my hips tightens at my actions, eyes darkening noticeably.

"you were using that pretty mouth on me... making me feel so good," he says lowly. i blush slightly, and his hand moves from its place on him hip to use his thumb to pull my lip from where i had it pulled between my teeth. before he can take his thumb away, i wrap my lips around it, letting my tongue swirl around it before releasing it with a quiet pop. the lust in his eyes is beyond evident now, and i can't help but revel in it. i roll my hips once more, before lifting myself off him and scooting down the bed, sitting between his legs.

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