"if you dont get your dick sucking ass down here"

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gonna leave the storm, 'cause everybody's gotta get there somehow
and I won't wait another day, another day
{until we get there, lucius}

i peak over at the clock on the wall as i stuff my toothbrush into my carry on. it's 12:45 and we need to leave in 5 minutes, yet as usual, andrew is taking decades to get everything packed up. we've spent the past two weeks preparing everything for this move, and today's the day it's finally happening.

to say i'm nervous would be an understatement. i cant count how much quicker my heartbeat is in this moment, but i do know it's tremendously quicker than it is usually. my desire to be at the airport has been squandered, and i'm growing impatient due to waiting for my pain in the ass of a brother.

"andrew if you don't get your dick sucking ass down here in the next 5 seconds i'm going to leave without you." i scream up the stairs

"gimme a sec, damn!" he shouts of course he's i the bathroom, probably taking a dump or redoing his hair for the 15 millionth time of the day... that is if he's even gotten out of bed yet, which is also unlikely.

"you can do your hair in the car, come on, we can't be late for our flight," i yell back, hoping he'll get his lazy self out the door sometime in the next 5 years. again, this is quite doubtful at the pace we're going

finally, i see him trudge down the stairs with two carry-ons, a suitcase the size of me, and a hair brush. i roll my eyes at his unneeded amount of baggage.

"christ, drew, did you put your entire room inside that bag?" i say sarcastically before picking up my normal sized suitcase and black backpack. i'm not quite one to talk, considering i had a couple boxes of clothes shipped because i could decide which clothes to bring. call it pathetic, but i couldn't part with all my clothes. blame the shopaholic in me, or the weakness i hold when it comes to online shopping.

i walk through the door out of the house and step to the side as drew walks out behind me. i close the door behind him and lock it before sighing and taking a few steps back. i look at my childhood home, not quite believing i'm really leaving here.

we said our goodbyes to our parents this morning, which of course consisted of both my mom and dad crying. i think i saw andrew's eyes start to water. i stayed stoic, knowing i'll miss it here, but glad i'm finally leaving this town after 18 suffocating years in it.

looking up at the house this morning, i can't help but find myself feeling nostalgic. i've lived here my whole life. it's home. i learned everything i know it this house, and have experienced so many memories, both good and bad inside it. i took photos of every inch of that house, discovering everything i needed.

holidays, birthdays, parties, sleepovers, sad nights, happy days, everything. it feels strange walking away without knowing when i'll be back. i'm leaving the comfort of a sedintary lifestyle, to chase a dream that very well could not work out.

regardless of that though, i know this is the next step in my life, it's what i need to do. i'm hopeful and i'm determined, and i won't let anything stop me. i've lived my whole live playing by the rules set out for me by everyone else. i've lived the lifestyle expected of me perfectly, yet still ended up unhappy. so now i've decided i'm done playing by the rules, and instead am going to throw out the entire rule book.

the drive to the airport was short and uneventful besides the occasional banter between drew and i over how he should do his hair. like me, andrew has dirty blonde hair, but he has an undercut with the top of his hair grown out pretty long. he ends up just putting the long part into a bun and leaving it at that. his eyes are green like mine. drew and i have always been similar in the ways we think, act, and look.

i start to think about my older sister, grace, who is 20 and is attending college in alabama. she and my oldest brother, logan, got my dad's very dark brown, logan's is almost black, hair and blue eyes. whereas andrew and i take after my mom, whom has dirty blonde hair and green eyes as well.

once we get to the airport we get through security and board. the plane is rather large, with 3 rows on either side of the aisle. we take our seat near the middle, me taking the window seat and drew sitting in the middle.

a few minutes go by and an older man sits down next to andrew and gives us a small smile before getting a book from his bag and beginning to read. i put my earbuds in before turning my head towards the window and closing eyes. i soon fall asleep to the sound of 'chocolate' by the 1975 playing in my ears.

WHEW ok one chapter down hahaha i honestly have no clue what i'm gonna do for this book lmao. i've never written anything ever and this is probably so bad but oh well.

kaylee xx

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