"sounding like a prepubescent 12 year old"

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talk a little too much around you,
get a little self-conscious when I think about you
{nervous, shawn mendes}


i talk with ashton a bit before he leaves to go to the bathroom. i look around to see that every seat is taken, except the one right next to calum. i have to admit, he makes me ridiculously nervous. i warmed up to the other boys a bit already this morning, but calum still makes me want to pee myself every time he looks at me. it doesn't help that he looks amazing today, i swear he has a nicer ass than me.

i slowly walk over to the love seat and sit down. i feel calum look over at me, but i turn on my camera and decide to go through pictures. i scroll through a few before hearing calum clear his voice. i look up to see him looking at me.

"uh, can i look," he says, pointing towards the camera. he looks almost nervous and it makes me smile. i nod and tilt the camera towards him, but he has other ideas. he stands up and sits down beside me on the small couch. it's a small gesture, and a pointless one at that, but i can't help but get nervous at our close proximity. i look down at the camera and move it towards him a bit.

we look through the silly pictures, and he lets out a small chuckle at a few before sitting back and stretching. i can't help at glance the way his muscle flex, and as if seeing me staring, he gives me a smirk.

"you're staring." he says with a raised eyebrow. my face heats up and i'm sure my face is as red as a beet from schrute farms. i look back at my lap and he nudges my arm before saying, "i don't mind."

i keep my eyes on my lap but let a smile come on my face at his words.

"you don't talk very much, do you?" calum says curiously. i look over at him and shrug.

"not with people i don't know well. it takes me a while to warm up to people. once i get to know you i'll get more talkative and annoying." i say, lifting my hand to place the hairs that had fallen into my face back behind my ear.

"i don't think you could annoy me, indigo." he responds, smiling at me. i feel myself blush for the millionth time. i don't understand how he has such a huge effect on me. it's like his small comments could make my heart pound faster than it ever has, and his stares and smiles could make me want to pass out right on the spot. i've never really let boys have that kind of effect on me growing up. boys always ended up disappointing me, and we're never who they came off as, so it just seemed pointless.

"y-you can call me indie, you know," i say quietly. my eyes remaining on my hands that rest in my lap, as if they're the most interesting things in the world.

"i like indigo, it suits you." i look up at him curiously. i've never loved my name, only my dad ever really calls me that.

"okay, calum." i say with a small smile. he rolls his eyes before responding, a smile of his own creeping onto his face.

"you can call me cal, you know" he mocks and this time it's my turn to roll my eyes.

i let out a huff and say, "maybe if you called me indie," and smile cheekily up at him. he just shakes his head with a smile and checks his phone. i glance down at it to see that it's 10 minutes before they go on.

"we're on in 10 minutes cal," michael says, "time to go warm up." calum nods and stands up. he turns around and sticks his hand out to me, i'm a bit confused at first by the gesture, but then realize he wants to give me a hand standing up. i take it and stand up. cringing at the thought of how sweaty my hands probably are.

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