* "your swimmers." (bonus)

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"all for you, all for you,
it's always been for you.
our love will never fade."
{all for you, night riots}

"there's uh— something I wanted to talk to you about as well," i say quietly, a bit nervous now. he moves his head to look at me inquisitively, eyebrows furrowing a tad.

"please don't tell me you're leaving again, i really won't hesitate to lock you in this room," he says sternly, yet with a hint of a smile. i roll my eyes at his dramatic words, knowing if i did say i wanted to leave again he would be supportive.

"no, it's not that... the opposite really," i respond, seeming to make calum feel a bit better as he relaxes into the pillow.

"i was thinking... maybe it's time for me to take a bit of a break from traveling too?" calum shoots me a glance that screams where the fuck are you going with this? and i glance at my hands nervously, despite knowing he's not going to get mad or anything.

"baby, you're beatin' around the bush," he says softly, calling me out for my obvious stalling.

"have you thought about... you know, us havingababy?" the words rush from my mouth quickly as i keep my gaze low.

"indigo," calum calls quietly while tapping my arm, insinuating for me to look up at him. when i do, he's smiling widely, amusement clear in his eyes. "ask me that again, please." this time it's my turn to raise a questioning brow.

"have you thought about us having a baby?" i ask at a much slower pace. he bites his lip to lessen his grin, shaking his head almost in disbelief.

"have you?" he turns the question around to me. i shrug, lifting my hand to push the hair falling in my face behind my shoulder.

"honestly, yeah," i say truthfully. i watch as his eyes light up, and he gives up on trying to hide the growing smile that takes over his face.

"i have too," he says while nodding.

"and?" i urge him to elaborate. he looks down at my hands before slipping his own over them.

"i'd like to try, if you do."

his words are beyond sure, making my heart falter as an indescribable feeling rakes through my body. it's similar to the butterflies he's constantly giving me, but almost deeper, more meaningful than just that of flattery.

"i-i do, i want to," i murmur, my smile just as bright as his. it's hardly a second later that he's snaking an arm around my waist and tugging me into his lap. sitting on his thighs, i lean forward and press a chaste kiss to his nose, watching as a faint blush spreads over his cheeks.

calum's hands move to my thighs, drifting them up torturously slow while he looks at me with an enigmatic gaze. before i can even attempt to decipher the thoughts swirling behind his caramel eyes, he's cupping a hand under my jaw and tilting my head so that he can easily capture my lips in a bruising kiss. i reach my hands forward to grasp his shoulder, exhaling sharply through my nose.

he moves his head back only to shift slightly lower so his lips are attaching to the expanse of my throat. his actions of kissing and licking and sucking are deliberately working me up, which is quite easily done due to how deprived of him i've been. when he reaches my collarbones he focuses on that area while his hand massage circles into my hips.

when his teeth nip at the skin on my sternum, a pleading whine falls from my lips, and i find myself pulling away from him out of pure frustration. when i do so i find him looking at me with an amused glint in his eyes, making mine narrow at him.
"what's the rush, baby?" calum queries teasingly. his hands leisurely making their way from my hips and up my stomach. i'm about to respond when his hands brush the underside of my chest before inching up to cup my breasts. my jaw relaxes instantly as my head lolls to the side. his touch feels almost foreign as he slips his fingers under the straps of my tank top, sliding the loose material off my shoulders before it falls around my waist. i'm not wearing a bra and the sudden exposure has me littered in goosebumps.

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