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...AgF +...CaCl2 = ...AgCl +...CaF2

The equation was written on the board. Our Chemistry lecturar howling at the top of his lungs. But even his high-pitched, abnormally shrill voice was not getting to me.

Silence was spread in the whole class like a thick blanket. No one spoke a word. That made Mr Bhati's voice even more irritating. Every one's eyes were on the board. As if all the gold and diamonds are embeded on it. The whole class's eyes........except for mine.
My eyes were glued to the second bench third row. They all payed attention but me. I was lost in another world......a more beautiful world. And even as I knew that, that world wasn't real, I still continued to explore it. Trying my best not to get myself out of it. I didn't needed a drug to keep my eyes open to it. I know I wasn't blinking. Not even once. Thats when I felt a sudden ache on the side of my head. Mr Bhati's chalk hit my foerhead with a perfect aim. Then Mr Bhait's unbelievably sharp voice got me out of my dream world. And I felt the whole class looking at me. I felt 'HER' looking at me. I immediately averted my gaze from her to Mr Bhati's almost constipated-looking face. I must admit, for a split second he made me laugh under my breath but if I had laughed, my dead body would probably be seen on the floor.

"So tell me Mr....Lakshit, won't you tell us where you were lost? " he taunted.

"Nowhere sir" I said in an almost unaudible sound.

"Then you must be knowing the answer of the equation" he motioned towards the board.

I followed his gaze and saw the equation. Crap! It was obvious I didn't know how to complete that God Damned equation. I looked at her....and her eyes were fixed at me. My face flushed like anything. Then I realized actually every body's eyes were fixed at me. Crap! Crap! Crap!
From all the 100 batchmates only 'her'   eyes had a weight like none. I thought to myself..... Maybe if I give it a shot and perhaps if I succeed, I'll be a hero to her. Yessss!!! Thats what I'll do. Said my stupid guts. I gathered all the confidence I could manage and gave it a shot.


"Wrong" Mr Bhati said in a deadly calm voice.

My face heated up....I was not able to look up for the next half-hour as Mr Bhati continuously screamed at me. All the shit about future, money, me ending up at the streets and on and on and on and on..................

After half an hour passed, he snapped, " now sit down!" And I sat. Shit...Shit...Shit... All I wanted to do was to bury my face in the ground. Sir went on with his chemistry violence and I peeked from behind my friend's bag. She was not looking at me. Thank god!

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