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For at least 10 minutes he stood there, chatting with us like we were best of friends.
The reality almost seemed unreal. Looking at him laughing and smiling at Aamya and asking genuine questions of concern, almost made it seem that, maybe he isn't as bad as I think he is.
He looks so young, and carefree and specially not-in-any-intention of destroying my life.
Apparently his charms were working on us.
But even with the spell his charm had put on us, I knew deep in my heart something was quite bothering him.
Yes he was laughing, yes he was smiling but behind the happiness of his, was something I couldn't quite place. Exactly like the first time he saw me. The emotion in his eyes was something, I couldn't recognize. But if I knew something, I knew that the emotion must not be positive if it's making me all uncomfortable and warning me to keep my gaurd up.
Apparently there were somethings, even I didn't wanted him to know.

I didn't know this until, I was faced with a challenge. It was then, when my brain reacted in a way I didn't know, it was capable of.

"So....enough about me, what was the reason which brought you here?" He asked, making all the systems of my body to come to an alert.
I put one hand on Aamya's shoulder, and said so confidently it was almost menacing. Well, what do you know? I surprise myself.

"My heart.....My passion. I too didn't wanted to do what my parents were forcing me to do. I too am doing what I do best." I let it hang in the air for him.
No one saying anything.
We were staring in each other's eyes.
The environment was heating up. I could feel it, he must be feeling it too.
I could feel adrenaline rush in my system, if anything was to happen.
It was then when another teacher entered the class, and everybody looked at him. When he was in the middle of the classroom, I looked back at Rohan and to my surprise, he was still looking at me. He obviously didn't care about the teacher's presence.

"The sir is here Rohan...." I said, indicating my victory in what exactly, I don't know. Probably the eye-battle we just had.

He didn't responded. Just kept looking in my eyes. For a minute I saw surprise in them. But it was gone so fast, I almost thought I had imagined it.
Then he walked back to his bench, without sparing as much as a glance to us.

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