Chapter - 57

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The next day, I only had one thing in my mind. And it was a 'why'?
I didn't sleep all night, but still I was wide awake in the morning. There was no way in hell, that I'd go to the classes today. So I just changed, grabbed my car keys and went out the house. I thought I'd escape my house but my mom was outside my car for some reason. She caught me, before I could just slip away.

"Breakfast? Bag? Fruits? Wher- Lakshit!!! What happened to your eyes??!!!" My mom asked horrified.
I looked like a cancer patient so that was justified.

"Mom I'm fine." I said, sounding exasperated.Which only annoyed her more. But I'm her son so I dodged her looks by saying...

"Btw dad was calling you inside." She looked in the direction of the house and I got into the car by then. She said something but me being me, I slammed the door and drove away.

It didn't take me long to figure out that the words she said before I drove off were, "Dad isnt at home."
I hit my fist on the steering wheel. She knows I played her. It's going to be 'hell' when I get back home.
Today might as well be the last day of my existence. As if I was having fun being alive!

I reached the damned parking lot. And got out of my car. And saw Aamya talking with Rohan. Smiling and all.

Today somebody might die.

I just stood there, with my back against the car. Looking down.
And I just took a long breath. And then I looked up, Aamya looked at me and seeing me standing there, she came towards me.
The only wrong thing I did was...I accidentally looked at Rohan.
And there it was....the red eyed demon of my nightmares. My heart started beating faster.

"What happened? Why are you standing here?" Aamya asked.

"Umm...nothing, I just don't feel like attending the classes today. Can we head out?"

"Lakshit but my mom..."

"I'll drop you before the classes time."


She got into the car, and I was surprised that she either didn't notice my appearance, or she didn't comment on it. I got in the car.
We went to our favorite restaurant, because I needed a place where I could sit and talk.

"So...what's up? Why dont you feel like attending the classes?"

"You didn't tell me, you were on whatsapp." I said.

It wasn't a question. I looked up at her, and watched how it went pale. The color seemed to drain out of her.
She was quite. So was I. And for a long time, five minutes to be precise, we both sat quietly.
It felt like something broke. Like we were sitting here, to end something. To end something which held importance to us. I didn't let my overpowering emotions take over.

"How'd you know?"

"Sneha." I stated plainly.

"If my mum saw that I text you, she would've freaked out, bad."

"So you hid the the existence of being on an app. Brilliant." Hatred was all that I could hear myself spitting out.

"I didn't tried hiding it, Lakshit. I just didn't tell you because then you would've asked for my number, and then my mom would've found out, and she would've made sure you were out of my life this time. Permanently."

"Is that all you think about me? I was living under the misconception that you trusted me. I mean yeah, you still lied about not being on anything but snap, but that's okay."

"Lakshit!!!!I didn't think it would be such a big deal.!!!!"

"YOU THINK IT WOULD NOT BE A BIG DEAL IF YOU DIDN'T TELL ME SOMETHING LIKE THIS????!!!!! You literally dont know me not even a little bit!!!!"

"Lakshit I'm sorry...I'm sorry, I didn't know it would be such a big deal."

"Nothing is a big deal to you."

When I said that, I actually meant it. This one single sentence, had 100 of meanings for me. But Aamya didn't take it seriously. She pouted at me to show that she is offended and mad about what I said. Then she laughed a bit and held my hand.

"Atleast let's order something to lighten up your mood." She said looking into my eyes.
I just looked at her. Trying to find the regret in her eyes. Only to find none, I passed her the menu, and she went on reading out her options to both her and I thinking that I'm no longer mad.

I'm no longer anything to be certain. I dont know what this emotion is, but it's a fear unlike I've ever experienced.

A fear that I'd lose everything somehow.

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