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Yup people, ROHAN SINGHANIA is back. He is back......back in my life....back in my story....back in my class. How? Why? When? I have no idea. How the hell did he end up here? With me?
The only thing which I now know is....the fear I've been running away from, has chased me down. And now it will hunt me. This is probably the end of every dream I had.
This is it.
I quit.
He glances around the class and, his eyes get stuck on me. I don't know how long do we stare into each other's eyes.
But then his eyes shift to Aamya's. He strides towards us. He looks at me and, it suddenly felt like I was stripped off of every muscle in my body. His eyes are gleaming with an emotion, I cannot yet read. But a pure evil joy is crystal clear in his brown eyes. His gaze shifts to Aamya's and he smiles. His all teeth, I-am-genuinely-happy-to-see-you smile.
Aamya smiles back at him. Surprised to see him here.
He walks past us and takes his seat. At  the third last. Which is only one bench away from us. Since Aamya and I are on the second. And there are six benches in a row.
I can literally feel the heat erupting from his body. I can feel his eyes on me. Boring a hole through my head. I dare not turn around to see if, this all is true or, its just another illusion caused because of my anxiety.
I will not turn back.
I would not turn back.
I should not turn back.
I must not turn back.
FUCK!!!!! I'll go crazy. I need to check or else I'll go insane.
Okay Laskshit......
Deep breathes.....deep breathes Lakshit.....relax. Calm down.
None of this is real. Its not true. Its all in your head. Shhhhhh......
Then with all the patience my body could accumulate, I turned back.



What I see when I turn back....
Red eyes staring right at me.
Wait a minute.....
Mr creepy psychopath has light brown eyes...then how the fuck are they red ri.......
Then it hit me.
The nightmare! My nightmare!!!!!!!
I've seen this before!!!!!! This has already happened with me!!!!!!!

Being watched.....being followed.......dark figure......most malicious eyes......

Of course its him!!!!! The devil from my nightmare. Its him!!!!!!! My wasn't a nightmare after all. Its true!!!!!!!!!
Its all falling into its place.

Dreams do come true my friends....or at least nightmares do.

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