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I woke up with a throbbing head. Like always.

Mom and dad are really worried these days. They think I should see a doctor. A doctor of psychology that is.

That's just proving my point right. I'm going insane, and now my parents think I need help.

Not sure, if I disagree with them.

Ive been feeling weak lately. I'm sure it has something to do with me not eating. I have lost a lot of weight and it shows. Just not to the person, who I want to be noticing it.

I came early today again. Earlier than Aamya. Considering I saw her sitting with Rohan.

A little while later Kartik came up to them, and sat beside Aamya. So it was a sandwich, with Aamya in the middle.

I could only see her face. They were watching something in Rohan's phone.

Just imagine seeing someone you love, in between 2 people who you loath, and could kill if it wasn't for the constitution.

My heart could only break so much.

After a good 20minutes, Rohan finally sat straight instead of facing Aamya and it was then, when I noticed something.

Something rather devastating.

Aamya was wearing that top, that I once told her not to wear. It revealed every curve of her body. She looks, ravishing in that top.
'A little too sexy' were my actual words, when I remarked her about it.

That was a long long long time ago.

I wonder why she decided to defy me, right after our break up.

I wondered about everything that she was doing. And it dawned on me that everything that she was doing, were exactly the things I said 'No' to her about. The things I hated. The things I didn't want her doing.

She was doing them all.

One by one, step by step she was doing each and every one of them. And hurting me more and more everyday. Ripping away pieces of my sanity like it dosen't mean anything!!!!! Like I dont mean anything!!!!!!

So what if I dont mean anything to her??!! It only gives me the power, that I didn't realized I had. To do anything I WANT. What do I have to LOSE???!!!!

My thoughts were the most poisonous things, Ive ever seen. But now I was at a point of my life, that nothing made sense.

I didn't make sense. My thoughts didn't make sense. Nothing made sense. So it was fine with me, if my life had a little more insanity.

I mean I have nothing to lose. I already lost the greatest battle of my life, and I still dont know who's the winner. The only thing I knew was...that I had lost.

So I guess a little more wont hurt right?

I was looking for an opportunity. Any opportunity. I didn't know what I'd do, when I got my chance.

All I could think of was, this boiling rage inside of me that I needed to let out. And not just on anything.
On her.
Only on HER.

I kept waiting and waiting.

Finally in the 5th class, she came back to sit with me. For reasons beyond my reach.
The biggest mistake of her life.

I just sat there, breathing. I didn't know what I had to do, or what I will do.

Then, I dont know what happened, words started falling out of my mouth. And before I knew it, my insanity had taken over.

It started with me talking about the top she was wearing, to why she was sitting with them. And then after that, everything I said were just blames and accusation's of how she ruined my life. How I did everything for her. Crossed sea's and shit for her, and how she fucked it all up, because she cant help but be a bitch. I ranted at her for about 45 minutes.

She just sat, listening, her head held down. Apparently she was shocked.

I screamed and screamed and screamed.

Her not saying anything, pissed me even more so I didn't stop, I kept going. Saying horrible things, not to her. But about her. Which were true ofcourse.

Suddenly she stood up, and screamed.

Screamed at me to 'shut up'.

And then before anything else could happen, she ran away.

The teacher screamed at me too, and told me to get to his office.

More chaos wow.

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