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10 years later

I was standing on the terrace of my office building, the wind was blowing lightly.

It was indeed a beautiful day.

My business was going good. I had to give it, to the change of streams 10 years ago. It helped a lot in building, whatever I now have.

Dad helps me with my business too. And I'm blessed to have him.

Actually I'm blessed to have everything that I have now.

I'm blessed for all the happiness, all the hardwork, all the scars.

Without the down period of what happened years ago, I wouldn't have been here.

They are right when they say, everything happens for a reason.
Even if the reason is fucked up.

Every hurt in our life is important. Its makes us who we are.

Every lesson is important. Every loss is important.

I wasn't always like this. Thinking positive about the future, and being grateful for what I have and all that.
It all changed one day.

One day, 10 years ago. I went to the same restaurant, which I used to go with a certain someone.
But this day, I didn't go and sit at the usual place. Or the 'our' place, as I once called it.
I sat on another table, which gave a clear view of where I used to sit before.

That day, I sat looking at the table I made so many memories on, I realized how I needed to let go. My whole past flashed in front of me, for one last time. And that day I decided, to do better.

To be better.

And so I did.

And I'm proud of myself for getting up after being knocked down.

It dosen't matters how many times you fall. What matters is, whether you pick yourself up, every time or not.

Now I've got friends, new people surrounding me, and everything that happened in the past dosen't matter anymore. Also the weight I lost 10 years ago, is the reason why I'm slim and fit. And not chubby as I once was. Atleast something happened for a good reason.

I wont lie, about the fact that it still doesn't haunts me. Because it does. And Ive made peace with the fact, that it will always haunt me, to some degree.

Ive moved on in life, but the footprints of chemistry still follows me. Footprints of that class, from where it all started.

The chemistry class.

Maybe if it wasn't for that class, I wouldn't have known the dark truth about human nature. But Im grateful to that class, for teaching me things only experience can teach you.

But I'm glad its all over.

And now I move forward, without looking back. No matter what haunts me, it won't change who Iam. I deny it any power over my present or future. It dosen't have a hold of me anymore. What matters is, being true to yourself.

Because the person who looks back at you, when you look in the mirror is the only person you need.


FOOT PRINTS OF CHEMISTRYWhere stories live. Discover now