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The next day in class, was again slow torture.
When I reached the class, Aamya was already there, sitting with Rohan, and talking ever-so-happily with him.

I know I should be happy, that she is happy, but I'm NOT. Nothing I can do about it.

Consider me evil, but she's sitting with that asshole.

She looked at me once, didn't give away a reaction and then went back to smiling and talking with Rohan.

That Bitch!

Funny, how I never thought I'd say anything wrong about her, but here Iam cursing at my own girlfriend. EX GIRLFRIEND. EX GIRLFRIEND WHO IS SITTING WITH KING OF HORRORS.

That bitch has no emotions! Can she not see what it's doing to me?! Chipping away pieces of my sanity day by day.

The fact is that she dosen't cares, BUT I WANT HER TO. I want her back. I want MY AAMYA BACK.

But its not possible because she is DEAD.

She isnt the SAME PERSON anymore.

Someone has a hold of her body, and that someone is not her!

Its like my life is a horror movie, and she is POSSESSED. Rohan did some voodoo on her!

I could not find sense in my thoughts. I was slowly going crazy. My thoughts were running wild in my head, and I didn't know what to do.

I was hurting. More than I ever have been. More than anything else in my life.
Physically, emotionally, in every damn way. And I thought that, I would be used to her hurting me by now. But every time she hurts me, it pains MORE than the previous time.

It pains harder, stronger, faster and its mind numbing. I dont know what's what anymore.

I dont know how much longer I can keep doing this, before doing something bad to myself. Something that I could not take back.

When last 2 classes were left, Aamya came back to the desk.
And by then, I was a mess.

"So now we're getting back with older dudes, because we're single. Classy."

And she flinched, again. And I could see the hurt in her eyes, but I chose to ignore.
She knew damn well what I was talking about. She knew I was possessive as fuck about her. She KNEW everything.
She stormed off to Rohan's desk, and didn't come back.

After that, I dont think she'll ever sit with me again. Not like she really sat with me for me, or ever for her.

God knows why the formality. If you dont care about my feelings or how I'm hurting every damn minute of my life, then why the act??!!

The hurt in my life is so loud, I dont hear anything else above it. Locked inside of my room, struggling with mind numbing pain, struggling with getting my body to calm down, because I tremble all the time. Having thoughts about just getting this all over with. Ending this pain all at once.

Quitting seems like a really beautiful option right now. Afterall nothing makes sense anymore. Not life. Not career.

Career? What career? The one I choose for her? Because of her? TO BE WITH HER?
Yeah well, spoiler alert, she isnt with me anymore. She isn't even with herself anymore. She is someone else.

I dont understand why she's so cold?
Where is that warmth? That light? That caring nature that she had? Where is that person, I used to know?

Was she a ghost? Was it all a dream? And I just woke up? But woke up to what?
A nightmare?

My head was spinning. I couldn't keep up with the thoughts. Even my thoughts hurt. My head hurt. My eyes hurt.
My heart hurt.
I hurt.

I was the definition of what you call HURT.

And you know what's the worst part?
She isnt here to save me. She isnt here to soothe me with her words. She isnt here to take care of me. She isnt here to calm the storm in my heart. She isnt here to tell me, everything is going to be okay. SHE ISNT HERE.


That was the last thing I heard, before everything went black.

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