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It all fits now. Everything is in it's place. There is nothing wrong with this situation. Ofcourse not. I should've known better. Afterall I already knew this was going to happen. I had clear signs. Still I just dismissed it, like it was nothing. The truth is, it was everything. I remember feeling fucked up. Feeling that....everything will be destroyed.
A devil......a demon who would destroy my life. Ofcourse.
I pity myself. Iam so dissapointed in me right now, I just wanna cry my eye balls out.
If my luck ever went with it's name....I'd be damned. My luck is so fucking unlucky. Why does it always have to be me? Why? WHY!!!!???
There are so many people who actually deserve pain, in their lives for their wrong doings. Still GOD is determined on taking his stupid revenge, of corrupt humanity with me. Could he not find anyone else? I can give him a list, if he'd asked for it.
Why do bad things only happen to me?
Bad things have a way to find me. Their GPS, has their home address of my name. Bad things are so in love with me, they won't leave me even for a damned second!!!!!
I was in the middle of this mental conflict, when I looked down at my hands. I was nervously twisting and turning them. Then something caught my eye. My fingers....they seemed.......
I don't appeared different than usual.
I looked at my intangled fingers more carefully.....
What could possibly be different ab.....
My ring. My ring! My RING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The RING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The ring which prevents all the bad from happening!!!!!!!!!! ( not that I believe that is true, but my mom does so.... ) That's why my fingers look different. Because Iam used to seeing my ring on them.
I forgot to wear my ring today!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is that why all this is happening? It couldn't possibly be true.
Mom even reminded me. But i didn't...
The door bell rang and then....Aamya called.....and then....I left.
And I left the ring at home.
It's was written in the whatever scriptures the god's use, that today will be screwed in every possible fucking way.
First the nightmare....then the ring.......
The GOD's are so not in my favor.

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