Just Scraping the Surface

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POV: Demi

"What the fuck are you looking at? I don't care if you're a teacher or not! This is my school bitch!" I heard an incredibly loud and powerful voice coming from the other hallway.

I watched as two male teachers ran past me.

What the hell is going on?

I hesitantly peaked my head around the corner to see a taller, brown headed, heavily tattoed, girl fighting off the two male teachers that just ran down the hall. I know I'm not supposed to say this, but damn is she hot. Her tattoo sleeve definitely compliments her personality though. The detailed wolves printed on her skin was mesmerizing.

"That there is Harlow Luna Rogue. No doubt that she is indeed rogue." One of my new colleagues stood beside me.

"Why can't they just expel her?" I held my bag closer to my chest as I did my best to not cringe at her last comment. So stupid.

"Her family owns the school. Believe it or not her family is actually really nice, her on the other hand." She gestured to Harlow flipping one of the teachers over her shoulder. "Not so much. They've tried to tame her by sending her to military bootcamp and stuff like that, but nothing phases that girl." She ran her hands through her hair. "I'm Daisy by the way. You must be the new teacher replacing the old gym teacher. Demetria I believe?" She stuck out her hand for me to shake.

"Just call me Demi." I shook her hand. "The man who retired was my dad, so I wanted to take his place. He never told me about that wildcard down there though." I nodded over in her direction.

"He didn't have her, but you more than like do." Daisy laughed lightly before walking away.

I don't stand for a child to disrespect a teacher. That will not happen.

I marched down the hallway with a relaxed expression before pushing through the ring of frightened students.

"Enough!" I snapped at her, but she didn't stop.

So in return I grabbed her collarbone and pulled her off of the poor guy and pinned her to the lockers. Luckily I fight on the side, and I definitely have the strength to hold her.

"When I say enough, I mean enough." I growled at her.

She struggled to get out of my grip, but suddenly she stopped, smirked at me, and then just went limp.

I wasn't ready to hold her weight up, so she slid out from my grasp with ease.

She went to go hit me when she got back up, but I grabbed her wrist before it even got close to me.

The whole place went silent.

"You may think you are big and bad Harlow, but you haven't met me." I smirked.

"I know you from somewhere." Harlow's turned confused and I watched as it quickly went back to her stone cold glare.

"Way to try and distract me." I chuckled at her acting. "Now, if I hear about you hurting anyone else, you will be running laps in my class. Got it?" I tilted my head slightly and had my famous glare on.

"Yes ma'am." Harlow whispered before relaxing against my restraint.

"Good girl." I smirked at her before walking towards the gym. That was a little bit kinky sounding, but it wasn't my intention honestly.

"How in the hell?" One of the male teachers who she just flipped whispered to no one in particular.


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