Soon To Be

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POV: Demi

"Why are you in the position you are right now?" I asked Harlow as she was tied up, blindfolded, and kneeling in the center of our bedroom on the cold hardwood that definitely doesn't feel good on her knees, but it's even more pleasing to me.

"I'm an idiot." Harlow shamefully mumbled.

"No, try again." I continued to circle her. I'm not going to punish her till she knows why.

"Because I broke the toaster..." If she was looking up I would see the look of confusion on her face, and it made me smile.

"Try again." I tsk'ed and she whined.

"Just tell me." She took a breath in once she realized what she did.

I grabbed her chin roughly. "Don't you ever, and I mean ever, tell me what to do again!" I slapped her cheek as hard as I could and she did her best to keep her mouth shut. "Why are you in this position?"

"I-I don't know mistress." Harlow answered honestly.

"You are here because you did something stupid. It was so stupid that you put yourself into danger. Not because you are stupid, but because you did something stupid. Understand?" I clarified and she nodded. "I expect verbal responses only." I snapped at her.

"Yes mistress. I understand." Harlow's voice was soft. I could tell she was disappointed in herself, but she knows every action she commits comes with a consequence, whether it be good or bad.

"Ass up, face down." I pushed Harlow's shoulders down with my foot harshly and she fell to the floor, but remained in position. "You will count and thank me for all twenty-five. The quieter you get, the louder I hit. The more you cry, the harder I hit." I ran the cold leather paddle along her bare back. "Don't hesitate to code if you cannot take it." I bent down and kissed the small of her back to show that I do care and love her before beginning.

I raised hell on her ass, some were harsh, and some were a little softer than I could've gone. A few of her words came out quietly as she tried to hide her pain, but it just made it worse for herself. I helped her sit back up once I was done, and her ass was hurting her as a wince escaped her lips with the slight movement.

"Good girl." I praised her, and I could see the prideful smile rest on her lips once she sat back up.

Her chin was now up with a little more confidence, and the disappointment she had in herself now diminished with one praise.

"You were so good for me." I bent down and kissed the top of her head. "Let's get that perfect red ass of yours taken care of and then I'll hold my good girl."

Harlow hummed in approval.

"Stand." I gave my simple order.

She did it without hesitation, but the more she moved, the more her ass hurt.

I removed the cuffs and blindfold before helping her to the bathroom.

My hands worked the lotion around her wrists from the red marks from the cuffs before gently rubbing some lotion on her bruised ass.

We went to bed shortly after we showered once we let the lotion soak into her bruised skin. Harlow is knocked out right now, and shows no signs of waking up anytime soon.

My phone buzzed beside me, and I saw that it was my mom.

Mom: Your dress came in!!!

Me: Perfect!

I tiredly responded in the girls group chat. There's about to be so many more messages blowing up mu phone between Madison, Emily, Dallas, and my mom. Emily has really come out of her shell with us, and come to find out she is like another sister to me now. Well, more than likely she'll be a sister in law one day, but Tate and her aren't at that level yet.

"Love, please turn off that damn phone." Harlow mumbled into my neck before rolling over. "It's bright and loud."

"I'm sorry love." I kissed the back of her head before shutting my phone off completely. My arms and legs wrapped around her as we became one, and I couldn't be any happier in this moment.

"Careful with my ass. It's still sore." She winced when I scooted too close to it and I back up just enough to give her some space.


It's been a few weeks, and we are currently doing the rehearsal, and Harlow is so lost that it is adorable. We've had to go through it three times before she got it.

The rehearsal dinner followed after which mainly consisted of who sits where and where is exclusive to who.

The venue was stunning. We went into the hills just outside of LA and got the perfect view of the city, but in the other direction the perfect view of the forest.

Harlow's mom kept her kids in check, including Harlow in Tate which gave me time to make final tweaks since Harlow truly and genuinely has no clue on how it works. She does care, but she puts it into my hands.

"We'll give the speeches before we all eat, and then after we eat we'll have an alcohol free after party, and anyone who brings drinks will be asked to leave." I looked around at everyone and they all nodded, not wanting to go against my orders.

"Now all we have to do is get married." Harlow walked up to me and kissed me once quickly. "Tate, my siblings, and me are going staying in for the bachelorette/bachelor party. I say bachelor party as well because we definitely aren't doing what girly girls are doing. Don't worry, no strippers are coming."

"Well, the girls and I are going out to my grandparent's restaurant and having our party there, and I'm staying the night at my mom's." I stood on the tips of my toes to kiss my soon to be wife.

"I'll see you tomorrow then." Harlow whispered against my lips.

I jumped up and she caught me underneath my ass.

"I'll miss you, but we can't have any bad luck. We have enough of that in our lives." She let out the chuckle that still gives me goosebumps.

I placed a gentle kiss on her neck before hopping down. "I'll see you tomorrow at the alter." I winked at her before smacking her ass to go to my girls as she called Tate and her siblings. I saw them pick up draw string bags, so they're probably just going to shift and run home which is fun for them. Not for me. Not nearly fifty miles.

Then it hit me as a smile appeared on my lips. Harlow is becoming my wife tomorrow.

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