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POV: Demi

Some bitch keeps on staring at my Harlow. Is she really mine? No, but she still isn't allowed to look at her.

She's been fucking drooling over her all class and I've began to get pissy. No, not pissy. I've began to get fucking territorial which is ten times worse.

"Miss Lovato, please get her to leave me alone." Harlow gave me a SOS look, but I can't tell someone to stop staring at someone. Like, I can, but they aren't doing anything wrong.

"If she does something physical then I can, but until then I can't. I'm sorry." I gave her a sympathetic smile, but she just rolled her eyes before getting back into the basketball game.

"You seem to be getting close to Harlow?" Tanner smiled as he came up and stood beside me.

"Yeah, she's starting to trust me more and more." I smiled as I watched her play. Not even the guys had abs like her, and let me tell you for the one hundredth time, her abs are hot as hell.

"Do you see why I couldn't exactly explain what you would see that night?" Tanner gave me a knowing smile to hide the fact that we were talking about something serious out in the open.

"Yeah, it wasn't bad though. She just laid on the couch in pain." My face instantly dropped as I thought about that night. I couldn't do anything for her.

"She stayed on the couch?" Tanner looked at me with pure shock.

"Yeah, why? Is that a bad thing?" I spoke hesitantly.

"She has never stayed still during one of those nights. Nearly every full moon she has that, and last time she went out on a run and didn't come back till three days later, because she ran so far into the woods. She gets violent as well. Breaking things. Hurting people. How did you get her to stay calm?" Tanner looked at me as if I had a cure for cancer. She stayed calm with me? She didn't kill me? So what? Isn't that normal human courtesy?

I'd tell him that I kissed her hand if she wasn't my student, but since she is that is a big no no. "I don't know. I sat with her for a little bit, because I didn't want to leave her alone in that much pain till she told me I had to leave." I whispered and looked around to make sure none of the students could've heard me.

Tanner looked at me and his eyes widened. "You're her match." He whispered back.

"I'm her what?" I furrowed my eyebrows and slightly turned to him.

"I've gotta go Demi. I'll see you later." Tanner started to bolt out of the gym.

"Wait, what is going on?" I called out to him, but he just gave me an empathetic smile.

What the actual fuck? Not just 'what the fuck.' What the actual fuck just happened?

My gaze drifted back over to see Harlow dunking the ball into the hoop and swinging a little to be a show off.

The timer went off on my phone, indicating that the game was over, so I blew my whistle and they all stood still. Now they fucking listen after I made them run. Did it phase Harlow? Of course not, but she wasn't doing anything wrong so she was the least of my worries.

"Put the ball in the bin and then line up on the line shoulder to shoulder." I watched as one girl ran the ball over to the bin before she got in line with all of the others.

Apparently Harlow and Jackson knew what was coming, so they made sure someone was in between the two of them.

"Ones go to the right side, twos go to the left side." I counted all twenty of them off before putting dodge balls along the line that divided the two groups in half. "Everyone has to be behind the foul line and when I blow the whistle you can run and get the ball. You guys know my rules. You get hit and you don't catch it, you're out. Last team standing rule." I quickly jogged over to the sidelines before blowing my whistle.

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