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POV: Demi

"So after having some guys come in and remodel and alternate the room while we were gone at school today, this is your new room. It's small, but it's all I have." I gave her a smile.

Harlow had a shy smile on her face as she waited for me to open the door.

"The den like bed we discussed." I gestured to the bed that was on the opposite wall of the window. There was a small chair in the corner of the room so it wasn't so empty, but not too cramped.

Harlow trailed her fingers across the fabric that hugged the bed before walking over to the chair and running her fingers along the seams of the pillow that sat up against it.

I smiled as she began to tear up. I made my baby happy.

She set her book bag down on the chair before running over to me and hugging me. "Thank you." Her tears hit my bare shoulder, since I was wearing an off the shoulder lazy shirt.

"You're welcome baby." Fuck, I did not mean to say that. Fucking hell.

When the pet name left my lips she squeezed me tighter. Maybe she isn't going to run away.

"I don't know about you, but I need a nap after today." I smiled as I pulled away from the hug.

Harlow only nodded in response.

I'll let myself be a little daring today. I walked over to Harlow's bed and crawled in the cave like structure.

"Will you still be here when I get back from a quick shower?" Harlow looked at me with pleading eyes, begging me to stay.

"Yeah, I'll wait for you to get back before I let myself fall asleep." I smiled at her and no sooner did I answer did she bolt out of the room and within fifteen seconds I heard the shower turn on.

POV: Harlow

I need to hurry, so she does have to wait. She did all of that for me and I don't want her to have to wait to sleep. I shouldn't have taken a shower, but after gym I smell and she definitely wouldn't stay in the same bed as me if I did. So it's a win and lose kinda thing. I'm waisting her time, but also saving her life so she doesn't have to smell a wet dog for however long she sleeps for.

Yeah, when my hair gets wet or gets hot from the sun, it smells like dog's hair. Not very pleasant unless I douse myself in perfume.

She's our match.

"Just when I thought you'd leave me the hell alone for awhile." I groaned as I rinsed the shampoo out of my hair.

I don't leave you alone. Not in a time like this. You cannot lose her Harlow. She is our match.

"You aren't even fucking real, why the fuck do I talk to you?" I growled and quickly put the conditioner. I didn't care if I didn't get it on every strand. The voice is worse when I'm alone like this for some reason.

I am real. The scientists made me real, remember?

"I remember. I just don't want to." I rubbed my temples as I let the conditioner set in for a minute.

Well, that's quite the waste of time. Anyways, hurry up. Demi is waiting for us to get out of the shower, so we don't wake her up when we go to bed.

"I'm trying you little shit." In seconds I had the conditioner out of my hair and I was drying off.

When I got out of the bathroom, I had a sweatshirt on and a pair of shorts. But a familiar voice at the door changed my plans of going to bed.

"Why are you here to come get her when you don't care about her? I can report you for putting her in those living conditions. She isn't going back with you." Demi growled.

I walked to the front door to see my father chest to chest with Demi.

"She is staying with me." The anger was radiating off of her and onto me.

"Why don't I just pay you for your troubles and all will be okay?" My father smirked down at her as he grabbed his wallet and started to shuffle through the hundreds.

Might as well pack my shit. No one can say no to that much money.

"How much do you want?"

"I don't want your fucking money. I want you off of my property. Why do you want her back if you are simply going to treat her like shit anyways? Why be selfish and take her from somewhere she is cared for?" Demi took a step closer to him. Please back up Demi. He won't hesitate to hit you.

"Because you are her match, and this world can't afford for her to be under control. I have made a one billion dollar deal with the military for me to sign her over to them, and if she is tame that deal is gone." He snapped. I watched as he clenched his jaw so hard that his veins were popping out.

"What the fuck is a match?" Demi spat, but she was definitely confused.

"What completes her. She is so much like a wolf that she depends on a mate. She needs you. Without you she will always be who she is. The violent, brutal, selfish, and careless mutant. You are like her soulmate, but love is a pigment of one's imagination, so if you would please give me my mutt back it would be greatly appreciated." I watched his fist ball up and started to twitch.

"No," Demi growled.

My dad swung at her, but she ducked a little and returned with an uppercut to his chin. My father went to swing again, but she caught his wrist before push kicking him away from the door and stepping out of it more.

"I will not give you my match back." Demi growled lowly as her fist balled up and relaxed over and over again.

"You're telling me you actually want that mutant to be attached to you for the rest of its life?" My father sounded taken aback.

Ouch. That one hurt.

"First of all, she isn't a mutant. She is a girl. A beautiful one." Demi started off, but my father spoke again.

"If I didn't know any better I would say that you cared about it." My father chuckled as he flattened out his shirt.

"She isn't an it, Rogue. She is my match. She is my Harlow. You will not have her back." Demi pushed him completely off of the steps. "She is mine, and you will never lay a finger on her again. She is not a weapon, or an object. She is a princess, and it's about time for her to be treated like one." Demi then slammed the door shut and locked it. "Thinking he can take my Harlow away from me. Dickwad." She started to mumbled a bunch of shit about my father till she realized I was standing behind the wall, but had my head peaked out enough for her to see me.

"I would've gone to help, but he would've gotten madder if he saw me. I'm sorry." I whispered and looked down at my feet.

"Don't apologize Harlow. I handled it baby. Let's go to bed. I've got to go turn the security systems on real quick, and then I'll be there. So go ahead, and before you know it I'll be there beside you." Demi kissed my cheek before walking over to a kitchen cabinet, opening it to see a security panel, and flipping a switch.

I quickly went to my room before she saw me standing there and not listening to her instructions.

Within a few minutes she was crawling into my bed beside me. She pulled me to her chest before playing with my hair and kissing my forehead. "He will never get his hands on you Harlow. Never again."

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