I Just Do

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POV: Harlow

I met eyes with Demi when she rounded the corner of the main building, and she froze. My body was getting colder and colder by the second. Tanner and Tyler are holding me up right now.

"Baby?" Demi's voice cracked quietly. For someone who wouldn't listen for that coming out of her mouth would've heard only a whimper.

"Tyler, go back into the classroom." Tanner mumbled to Tyler after the English teacher was dragged out of the classroom by the security guard. "And close the door behind you."

Within seconds I heard the door close as quietly as possible. Then Demi ran to me, but stopped at my side, realizing she can't just wrap her arms around my right now.

"She can't talk. Every time she tries to she coughs up blood which leads me to believe it's punctured her lung." Tanner whispered to Demi. He was holding it together for my sake.

I went to tell Demi that I loved her, but blood spilled out of my mouth instead.

Demi wiped the blood that was going to drip down my chin with her thumb before wiping it on her pant leg. "I love you too baby. I could see what you were going to say in your eyes. Every single time you tell me your eyes soften." She smiled at me before kissing the top of my head the best she could with me being taller than her.

"How the fuck did a metal ruler get in her back?" A paramedic asked with furrowed eyebrows as he led his team quickly to me.

So that's what's in my back. Cool.

Demi, Tanner, and the EMS team were talking a lot to get the details they best they could and pulled Tyler out of the classroom so he could tell them what happened so they'd know what they were dealing with. I heard one ask if she stabbed me with it. Another said she threw it into my back. Another was panicking.

All of the voices started to sound the same after laying down onto the stretcher.

"Sit her up. The fluid can't sit like that." Within seconds I was sitting up more, but still on my side with my knees to my chest.

"The heli is here." Someone yelled and then everything was a blur. People were hooking things up to me, shoving tubes down my throat, jabbing needles into my arms and hands, and asking me questions as if I could respond.

I want to respond, but every time I go to talk I cough up blood instead. Like, fucking hell.

"We've made it this far Harlow. Don't you fucking dare die on me now." Demi whispered. I couldn't tell if she kept on saying it or if it was just my head fucking with me.


POV: Demi

"Has anyone told Tate yet?" I asked for the one hundredth time. I left my phone at the school since I was just doing my best to get to the hospital the helicopter was flying Harlow to.

"Don't worry. He knows." Tanner mumbled and gave me a knowing look for a second before looking away.

"Will he know where she is?" I knitted my eyebrows together. They are saying Harlow can make it, but they don't know when she will wake up from surgery.

"I can promise you when I say this: Tate is tracking her scent right now. It's four hours driving distance from your house, so it's about a one hour run in wolf form for him." He whispered the last part.

"The closer the two of them are the quicker Harlow will heal." I kept looking at the OR door as if Harlow would just walk out of there any minute.

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