The Big Day

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POV: Harlow

I'm pacing back and forth in the groomsmen suite and Tate is watching me with an amused smirk. I decided that he will be the only one by my side while I'm up there. He's the one who had been there for me since day one.

"Low, chill. You look sharp and I'll be right there the whole time." Tate got up anf gave me a hug and patted my back.

"Alrighty you two, show time." The wedding planner who owns the venue peaked her head in and we quickly followed behind her.

Tate escorted each bridesmaid (Dallas, Madison, and Emily), Demi's mom, and our mom. He literally had to run around everything to get the next person and it had me cracking up, but as soon as he escorted the last girl, I was immediately anxious again, but I walked down the isle with confidence and my chin up.

Tate gave me a reassuring smile, knowing I'm about to cry. He has tissues in his back pocket just in case.

I got to my spot at the alter and my hands were shaking.

The music started, and the melody of Say You Won't Let Go filled my ears.

My eyes locked onto Demi as she walked down the isle, and I have never seen a more singlehandedly beautiful woman in my life. My knees were getting weak as tears streamed down my face. She's gorgeous, and to top it off, she's going to be my wife.

Tate rubbed my back to try and calm me down, but nothing could as I watched her Dad escort her down the isle.

Once she got close to the alter her dad gave her away and everything went into slow motion as she took the last few steps towards me.

The wedding minister smiled at the both of us before giving the speech, but all I could think about was the gorgeous woman in front of me

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The wedding minister smiled at the both of us before giving the speech, but all I could think about was the gorgeous woman in front of me. How did I get so lucky.

Demi started to give her vows, and my whole world stopped once again. The only people in the entire universe seemed to be her and I in this moment.

"Since I first met you I knew you were broken, but I also knew that you were more than that girl that everyone made you out to be." Demi wiped a tear, but I was already crying ugly. There was no hope for me. "You protected me, saved me, and loved me through thick and thin, and that is something I can never thank you enough for. When I found out the other side of you, it did not phase me, because I knew then that nothing could change my love for you, Harlow." Tate handed me a tissue and it was greatly appreciated. "There is something about you that I just can't explain. It makes me fall deeper for you everyday as soon as I think it isn't possible. You have changed my world Harlow, and if someone told me the day before I started my new job that I would find my future wife in that building that morning, I would've laughed in their face. But here I am, standing in front of my future. I love you with all of me Harlow." Demi finished her vows and I was sobbing even more and so was she, but she was keeping it together a little better than me. She has to though since she has makeup on.

"I don't know if I can top that but I'll try." I tried to make everyone laugh.

Tate chuckled behind me as he handed me my vows that I wrote down and traded me for the tissue.

I took a deep breath, and knew that I was going to start sobbing again anyways. "No one had ever been able to control and calm me like the woman I met on the first day of my senior year. She pinned me up against the lockers, and in that moment I knew I was in trouble." Everyone laughed, including Demi. "Days and weeks went by as we got to know each other better, but I knew from day one that there was something special about her. I wanted to protect her from everyone and everything. From the times I annoyed the hell out of her to draw everyone's attention away from her, to the times I raised hell to protect her, I worship each memory." I held in my tears the best I could so I could finish my vows. Come on Harlow. Almost done. "I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you Demetria. I cannot wait to wake up every morning next to you, and fall asleep every night with you in my arms. I love you so much, that you have no idea, and I cannot even control it." I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding in as I handed the paper back to Tate. When I looked up, tears were streaming down her face. I wanted to wipe and kiss each one away, but now is not the time.

"Are there any objections? Forever hold your peace if not now." The minister asked the crowd of our closest friends and family, but my siblings looked around at everyone with threatening anyone to speak up.

Once no one spoke he began speaking again.

"Do you Harlow Luna Rouge take Demetria Devonne Lovato as your beloved wife, and promise to love her through sickness and health?" The minister asked me with a smile.

"I do." I smiled wide.

"Do you Demetria Devonne Lovato take Harlow Luna Rouge as your beloved wife, and promise to love her through sickness and health?" 

"I do." Demi smiled at me and my heart did flips.

"By the power invested in me by the state of California, I pronounce you wife and wife. You may kiss your bride."

Without hesitation I quickly cupped Demi's face and pulled her in for a kiss. The first kiss of her being my wife. Her arms snaked around my neck, and I knew from that moment on, that I will never let anyone lay a finger on her.



A/N: I really hope you guys enjoyed this book! Out of all of my books this one seems to be the most popular.

Maybe a sequel with the kids and Harlow's career, but no promises yet.

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