Almost Slipped Up

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POV: Demi

Tate went to school with us so he could wheel Harlow around since I don't trust anyone else to do it, but Tate isn't fond of school. Large crowds full of people he doesn't know. Lots of strange noises and disrespectful remarks to teachers. Things he doesn't deal with well.

I've been waiting for my next class to start to file in. Harlow's class to be exact. She's allowed to leave a few minutes early every class period so she doesn't get pushed around in the hallways which would most definitely piss both her and Tate off.

My face lit up at the sight of Tate wheeling my beautiful girl into the gym, the sounds of the wheelchair clicking here and there echoed in the hollow gym.

"Tate almost snapped and killed Tyler this morning." Harlow snickered as she told on her brother.

"He was looking at you like his next meal. What do you expect me to do? Ignore the fact that he was eye fucking my sister and that I could smell the extra testosterone he was giving off?" Tate growled in frustration.

"Enough you two. Harlow can't get her breathing increased, and you two bickering would do that for sure." I snapped at the two of them. "Also, no growling in public. I get that there isn't anyone in here at the moment, but I don't want you to get used to or comfortable with growling in public." I scolded Tate.

"Sorry," the twins mumbled in shame in sync.

I hummed. "Wheel her beside me and then put the breaks on please. Then you can do whatever you want for a bit Tate, but you can't kill or beat the shit out of anyone. If I see you getting to the point where you're about to I'm going to send you to my office, whether you like it or not." I pointed at the shorter twin before looking at my girlfriend who was giving me her certain smile. The one that she smiles when she wants nothing more than to please me. "As for you, no back talking me or snapping at students for any reason. I'm their teacher. If they do something I don't like I will handle it, understand?" I kept eye contact with Harlow.

She nodded with a smile. "Yes, Mist- I mean Miss Lovato."

I shot her a wink as a knowing smirk rested on my lips.

Tate fake gagged as he wheeled Harlow to her spot beside me as we watched kids file into the gym.

"You almost slipped up my Little Wolf." I chuckled lowly before standing up to give directions to the students who were evenly placed in their spots.

Harlow looked down at her lap as she blushed profusely.

I blew my whistle once shortly to gain everyone's attention before speaking. "You guys know the beginning drill. We'll skip the running part of warmups today since we're playing indoor soccer. Any questions?" I scanned the gym to see if there were any raised hands before clapping once to signal for them to start to stretch.

"I wanna play soccer." Harlow whined when I sat back down.

"That isn't even close to an option." I glared at her.

"Pleeeeease Mist- I mean, Miss Lovato." She caught herself again as gave me puppy eyes.

"I said no my Little Wolf." I growled slightly to get my point across and she nodded her head before looking down at her lap. "Trust me, if you could play I would let you, because staring at you shirtless is one of my favorite things to do aside from fucking you." I shot her a quick wink and watched out of the corner of my eye to see her blushing again.

"You are going to get me all worked up." Harlow whined.

"Okay, okay, I'll stop." I chuckled. "You're just very tempting."

"You're doing it again." She sighed as she shook her head with a smile.

"Sorry," I laughed lightly. "I can't help it."

"Still doing it." Harlow glanced at me as she watched the class stretch with me, but let's face it. We were doing more flirting than watching since they can't hear over the echoing squeaks of their shoes on the hardwood floors.

I threw my head back and laughed which made Harlow giggle and slightly shake her head.


"I'm done with being in this wheelchair." Harlow groaned as she sat back down in the wheelchair after her ten minutes of walking.

"Just one more week baby." I pressed a gently kiss to the top of her head as I wheeled her to my bedroom.

"And then we can have sex too?" Harlow perked up and turned to look at me.

"No, one week till you can walk, but keep your heart rate down. Three weeks till I can fuck you senseless." I sighed as I shook my head. "You are going to be the death of me."

"I miss the whip though." Harlow whined.

"This is a touchy subject and you can tell me to drop it if you want me to, but after getting abused with the whip after all of those years how is it your favorite toy?" I asked in a soft tone as I laid her in my bed.

"You use it differently than they did. For you I see it as a sense of comfort, because even when you're raining hell on my back you are still doing it because you love me and only dominate me, while my father and brother did it out of pure hatred. Two polar opposite feelings towards someone. I just like it the most because it's your favorite and you love to use it and mark me up with it. You chose it. They just picked up the nearest thing and beat the shit out of me. They beat me with a baseball bat before. I assure you, a whip and them have no connection." Harlow tried to learn up and kiss me, but winced when she sat up at the wrong angle and fell back to the bed.

I lent down and kissed her before she'd try to do it again before speaking. "Okay, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't forcing something on you, and you just let it happen because I enjoyed it."

"One of the promises I made to you was to be honest with you. I promise I would've told you as soon as I saw it if it made me uncomfortable." Harlow tried to pull me to her lips again, but she just whined helplessly and gave me puppy eyes. "You have no idea how much it pisses me off that I can't kiss you whenever I want to."

"Just let me know and I'll kiss you." I chuckled lightly at her cute expression before kissing her nose and then kissing her lips. "I'll be back in a minute. I have to take a shower. I'll put a movie on for you though. What do you want to watch?" I asked over my shoulder as I grabbed the remote for the tv.

"Your favorite movie." Harlow shrugged, but then winced at her actions.

"You hate my favorite movie." I looked at her as if she was crazy.

"I have to make myself love it or at least tolerate it." She sighed.

"No, what movie do you want to watch?" I asked again, but this time more sternly.

"I don't care honestly. With the pain meds kicking in I'll probably be asleep before you get out of the shower no matter how much I'll try to fight it off." Harlow carefully got herself more comfortable as I scrolled through the channels and put some random movie on that I know she likes or at least watches it without getting pissy every five seconds. "Wait no, this movie makes me laugh and that will hurt."

I nodded before changing the channel to Spongebob and walking into the bathroom to take a shower.

"Can I have a hug and a kiss incase I fall asleep before you get out of the shower?" Harlow begged and I instantly turned around with a smile.

"How can I say no to that face?" I giggled as I walked over to her.

"You can't." She smiled brightly before lightly yawning.

"Goodnight baby, yell if you need me." I kissed her forehead before gently hugging her as she laid down.

She cupped my face in her hands and brought my lips to hers. "Goodnight, I love you." Harlow smiled against my lips.

"I love you too. Now go to sleep. Don't try to stay awake." I kissed her nose and then walked into the bathroom.

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