Step One and Step Two

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POV: Harlow

It was a challenge to not get pissed at my fellow students for staring at Demi before we were together, but now that we are I've nearly killed six people in the past ten minutes of class, and knowing that I have another hour and twenty minutes of watching people stare at my Demi... oh I'm gonna fuck someone up by the end of this hour.

"Harlow, take a lap." Demi blew her whistle, but she shot me a wink when everyone turned away towards me.

"Why?" I raised a brow and put my hands on my hips after I stood up.

"Because you were dosing off while I was trying to explain what we are going to do today for the tenth time. Now take a lap." She spun her finger once in the air.

I looked around at all of my classmates who were quietly laughing. "Nah, I'm good. Thanks for the offer though."

The whole class went silent. "Harlow, take a lap around the gym now." Demi's eyes turned a darker shade of brown as a growl erupted from her throat.

I almost went and took a lap, but this is getting everyone's attention to me and not her perfect body. "No thank you." I gave her a smile before sitting back down on the hardwood floor like all of my classmates who are patiently waiting for further instruction other than the pre-class routine of sitting down on the floor for role call, stretching out, and then being dismissed to whatever activity for the day.

"Everyone outside and on the track. Marco, grab the ball bin please. Liza, grab the penny tee's for me please." Demi glared at me the whole time as she spoke through gritted teeth.

I'm in trouble. Big, big trouble. I forget that she is a dom in the worst situations. Now is one of them.

"Harlow, you are to wait on the bleachers till I come get you." Demi began to head out the doors with most of the students.

"I thought you wanted me to run a lap." I smirked to myself as I stood up.

All I got in response is a glare over her shoulder.

Why do I have to be a smart-ass without a filter? Damn I'm an idiot at times. I just keep digging my grave deeper.

I waited, kinda patiently, on the bleachers as my classmates got to play soccer. I'm good a soccer. I want to play soccer right now. I'm quick and can get points quickly.

"Harlow, come here." Demi pulled me to the side of the bleachers where she could still see my classmates, but we were in a more private area.

I made sure that if I did something my classmates wouldn't see me by standing against the post that holds up one side of the bleachers.

"What the fuck is your problem?" Demi growled as she threw her hands up.

"Guys keep staring at your ass, so I brought the attention to me." I shrugged as I tried to play it off like I wasn't scared shitless on the inside.

"So back talking to me is the way to get their attention away from me?" Demi put her hands on her hips.

I looked at my feet with a hint of shame showing in my eyes. "I wasn't thinking clearly."

Demi rolled her eyes and shook her head before speaking again. "If you want to gain their attention, go make some kick ass plays, but you better run a fucking mile first. I'll make it two if you piss me off even more." Demi pointed to the track that surrounded the soccer/football/lacrosse/rugby field.

I simply nodded before trotting to the track and beginning my four laps.

I slipped my earbuds in, and as I flipped through songs Demi sent me a text.

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