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POV: Demi

I watched with a smirk as Harlow winced when she swiveled her feet around to the edge of the bed to get ready for school. I was already halfway ready, but she takes all of two and a half minutes.

"Someone a little sore?" I raised a brow as an egotistical smirk crept on my lips.
Harlow shot me a glare as she made her way to her room to get her clothes. "Watch you're attitude Harlow!" I snapped at her, but I won't punish her today unless she really fucks up.

When Harlow walked back into the room she was ready to go, but she was still walking slowly. "Did you have to go so hard?" Harlow whined.

"You were the one who yelled for me to. More so begged me to, so you can blame your pain on yourself." I chuckled as the realization hit her, and then her cheeks turned a deep shade of red. "Please don't stop. Harder Mistress." I mimicked her which caused Harlow's cheeks to grow even darker as she shot a glare at me.

"I forgot that it was a school night." Harlow mumbled as she sat on my bed, waiting for me to finish.

"I won't make you run the track today. It's a free day today because my baby is sore." I shot her a wink and she rolled her eyes.

"I'm not that weak. I can so run a mile right now." She stood up and then sat right back down, putting her hands on her inner thighs. "Maybe not. Definitely not. It feels like it's on fire and the pressure is unbearable when I stand." She whined.

"Then don't stand." I gave her a sarcastic smile before tossing her a basic anti inflammatory bottle and she let out a sigh of relief when she saw what it was.

"Oh thank God! I may be able to walk ten feet today!" Harlow threw her hands up dramatically as she fell onto the bed.

"Just take the meds." I rolled my eyes before finishing my hair. I have to put a shit ton of hairspray and bobby pins in it because of the amount of humidity and running around I have to do, due to the idiots who can't seem to learn how to play nice.

Harlow wobbled into the bathroom with me and put the bottle on the counter before sitting beside it. "Can you wait to do your lipstick?"

I smirked at her as I put the last bobby pin in and stepped between her legs.

She wrapped her legs around my waist as she sat up straight on the counter.

"Why do you want me to wait to put my lipstick on?" I looked up at her innocently.

"Kiss?" Harlow gave me a cheesy smile.

"But what if I want to see the tint of my lipstick on your lips today?" I raised a brow.

"Then I will be called out for it and harassed about it all day." Harlow gave me a serious look.

"Can I leave a hickey then?" I raised a brow as my innocent smile grew bigger.

"Yeah," Harlow quickly took her shirt off, giving me room to mark my territory.

I cupped her cheeks and connected my lips to hers, claiming my dominance and making sure she knew that they belonged to me.

A quiet moan escaped from Harlow and I smirked against her lips before leaving a trail of kisses to where I was going to leave a hickey. "But there's a bruise there from last night." She whimpered.

I ignored her and continued with what I was doing.

"Have you taken anymore anti inflammatory meds since this morning?" I raised a brow at Harlow as she sat beside me, watching the class. I had her raise her hand and tell me she was sore from running and she gave me a fake note.

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