You Take My Bed

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POV: Demi

"It's a one bedroom house, so you take my bed and I'll take the couch." I put my hands on my hips and glanced at the clock on the wall.

"Miss Lovato, I can't take your bed. You've done enough for me already. I can't ask for more." Harlow put her hands up.

"This isn't up for discussion, Harlow." I raised a brow at her to show her I was being serious.

"Yes ma'am." She mumbled and looked at her feet.

"The bed is made, so do whatever you need to do and then go to bed." I pointed to my bedroom and she nodded before awkwardly walking into my room.

"Thank you." Harlow turned around with a small smile on her face.

"You're welcome, Harlow. Just go to bed." I gave her a small smile back.

Harlow nodded and walked into my bedroom.

The girl of my dreams is in bedroom and is about to be in my bed, but I'm not in there. Do you know how much of a tease this is?

"Miss Lovato, I can't sleep in your room and have you out here on the couch." Harlow walked back out of my bedroom. "I'm sorry, I can't. I will sleep on the floor out here if you sleep on the couch anyways. I'm sorry Miss Lovato." Harlow looked at her feet.

"First of all, please call me Demi outside of school. Second of all, you will be sleeping in my bed." I gave her a stern look, but she didn't falter like last time.

"Okay, well Demi, I can't sleep in your bed and have you sleep out here on the couch, so I'm sleeping out here." Harlow tried to shoot the stern look back, but I am quite the intimidating short person.

"Get back in the bed before I put you in it." I spoke through gritted teeth.

"I'm not sleeping in your bed with you on the couch." Harlow stood her ground.

"Go to bed." I pointed at my room.

Instead, she ran to the couch and laid down before I could protest.

"That is not bed." I growled.

"You can't make me." Harlow spoke in a childish tone.

"Is that a challenge?" I raised a brow.

Harlow shook her head no, but didn't speak a word.

I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her waist before walking to my room while dragging her along the way. It took all of the strength I had to even get her off of the couch.

I dragged her into my room by her arms and left her on the floor just beside the bed. There was no way in hell I could pick her up and put her on the bed.

"I'm not sleeping in your bed with you sleeping on the couch. It's not right." Harlow growled and stood up.

"You will listen to me." I growled back.

"I don't listen. It's one of my problems." She shrugged before reaching out and grabbing my wrist before pulling me on the bed.

Harlow then tried to roll off of it, but I pulled back since momentum was on my side, and held her tightly so she wouldn't get out of the bed, but as soon as I realized I was holding my student I let go immediately. "I am so sorry, I didn't mean to do that I was just trying to get you to stay put and-" She cut me off of my rant by speaking.

"Please go back to what you were doing." Harlow begged in a shaky tone.

I didn't need her to turn around for me to see the blush on her face. Hell, there was one on mine too.

My arms snaked back around her waist and she took a deep breath. "Thank you." Harlow whispered.

I simply nodded in her back.

Harlow tucked her feet up to her chest before pushing the blankets out from underneath us and then kicking them up just high enough for her to grab them and pull them over us.

If I didn't have a huge crush on her I would wait till she fell asleep and then go sleep on the couch to be petty, but since I have a huge fucking crush on her I am not moving till she tells me to.


As much as I didn't want to, I had to get up. I had to fucking pee so fucking bad that my bladder was starting to hurt, but I didn't want to let go of her. As soon as I did get up all I heard was a 'no' and a pissy groan from a still sleeping Harlow.

But for teens I guess breakfast is an order, so here I am... making breakfast... something I have never done in my life since there are things call cereal bars and breakfast snacks that get you to lunch and I can't cook for shit, but since Harlow is here I want to make her feel welcomed. Ha, just kidding. I'm doing it to spoil her, but that's not the point. I also suck at cooking, but it should be manageable if I follow the directions.

"Fuck it's bright." I heard a groan across the hall and Harlow soon came into view. "Oh shit sorry, I didn't mean to cuss." She paused. "Fuck I did it again." And she paused again and put her hand on her forehead. "Damnit I'm sorry." Harlow then groaned and threw her hands up. "Why do I even try to have a clean mouth? I apologize Miss Lovato."

"Demi," I corrected. "And you don't need to worry about filtering yourself around me."

Harlow nodded once before grabbing her bag and starting to walk towards the front door.

"Where are you going?" I raised a brow at Harlow.

"I don't want to overstay my welcome. It's daytime now, so I'll be safe now. It's just a little cold outside." Harlow shrugged.

"Get over here and sit the fuck down. You're going to overstay your welcome outside before you do in here. Now sit and eat." I gave her my teacher look and she bowed her head in submission before walking over to the breakfast table after putting her bag back down.

"Yes ma'am." Harlow mumbled.

"You don't need to be proper when it is just the two of us. I am literally only seven years older than you." I groaned.

"Sorry," Harlow mumbled.

"You don't need to apologize for everything Harlow." I sighed as I sat down across from her with the platter of food.

"S-" she stopped herself. "Okay."

"There we go." I smiled at her and she gave me a small smile back before putting some food on her plate.

"Thank you, for everything. Really." Harlow had a small, yet genuine smile creeping on her face, but she looked down at her plate to do her best to hide it.

"Why do you hide your smile?" I raised a brow as I cut one of the pancakes in half.

"I don't like showing little smiles. Big smiles with my brother are fine, but little smiles make me look weak." Harlow whispered.

"Harlow, you are anything but weak." I looked her in the eyes.

All I got was a shrug of her shoulders.

"What can I do to help you with you family issue?" I kind of changed the subject.

"There isn't really much else anyone can do. I don't want the police to force them to make them let me stay there, because why be somewhere you're not wanted?" Harlow had a saddened smile on her face as she played with her food. "You've done more than enough by giving me a place to sleep. Let alone feed me."

"I'm not going to sit back and watch someone I care about without doing anything and everything I can in my power to help them." I smiled at her.

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