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POV: Demi

Harlow has been throwing up all night like a recovering drug addict and it's scaring the shit out of me. Is she allergic to something in the alcohol she drank? Is she drinking enough water and electrolytes to keep up with hydration? Is it just something simple?

"Go to sleep. I've got a hair tie, and I can guarantee you I am not a pretty sight to look at right now." Harlow let out a throaty chuckle, but then threw up because she laughed. "Fuck."

"Drink a few more sports drinks and then I'll be happy. Until then, I'm not going anywhere." I crossed my arms across my chest as I looked down at her as she had her arms crossed over the toilet seat and resting her head on her arms.

"I can't drink anything. It just makes me sick again." She mumbled as spit was falling out of her mouth.

"If you don't drink more I'm going to have to take you to the hospital so you don't get overly dehydrated." I ran my fingers through my hair as I gave her a serious look.

"Babe, I'm fi-" she had to stop talking to throw up again.

"You're not fine. Brush your teeth and then put a shirt and a pair of shoes on. My mind is set and it isn't up for debate." I put my hands on my hips and tilted my head to the side slightly.

She was visibly shaking from her blood sugar being so damn low from throwing up so much.

"Can you stand?" I raised a brow.

Harlow simply nodded her head before wobbling as she got to her feet.

I went ahead and held onto her waist and led her to the sink before getting her toothbrush and toothpaste for her. "Brush your teeth while I go get you actual clothing and your slides. Do you want socks with your slides?"

She shook her head 'no' and I took off to go get her a shirt and shoes. All she does is walk around shirtless. I'm not even kidding. She has a sports bra on, but she walks around the house showing off her abs and it drives me up the fucking wall. I can't tell her to put a shirt on because I'd be lying if I said I didn't think she was even hotter without a shirt.

"What can I do for y-" The nurse stopped mid sentence when she saw me practically dragging Harlow into the hospital by her waist. I wanted to go ahead and carry her, but I don't want her to bitch at me about it and I'm definitely not capable of lifting pure muscle.

The nurse ran to get a wheelchair and then wheeled Harlow to the back.

I made sure to stay hot on her heels so no one could stop me.

"Symptoms?" The nurse asked over her shoulder as she waved for a male nurse to help her get Harlow up onto the stretcher.

"She's been throwing up a lot which has made her dehydrated and caused her blood sugar to drop. She's tried to drink some sports drinks and even just water, but it made her throw up even more." I listed off.

A doctor walked in as I listed off the symptoms. "Get an IV drip going stat, and blood work to make sure we don't need to fix her blood sugar through medication. I want a flu test and I'll send a few other orders to the lab."

My eyes went wide at the sight of a big ass needle being inserted into Harlow's arm.

"What is your relation to her?" The nurse asked as she taped the needle to her skin.

"I'm her teacher, but she has been staying with me since her whole family is in jail. She is Harlow Rogue." I look at both of the nurses to see all of the blood drain from their faces.

"Since there isn't anyone to sign consent papers we'll need to do it through a judge." The nurse gave me a fake smile before running out of the room.

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