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POV: Demi

Harlow and Tate bolted out of the car and hopped over the fence that was attached to the side of the house that surrounded the backyard and attached to the other side of the house. Now this fence wasn't your typical five foot fence. It was an eight foot privacy fence, that was up when I bought the house, so seeing them scale the fence with ease was quite shocking. Then again, they are half wolf.

I debated on checking on them as I locked the car behind me, but if they wanted me to come with them they would've told me. I made sure to lock the front door behind me, but unlock the back one.

I went into my room and peaked out the back window to see Harlow's all brown wolf running along side with Tate's jet black wolf, doing laps around the rather large fenced in backyard. I never thought I'd need it when I first moved in here, but now I do.

"Please be safe." I sighed before changing into some pajamas and wiping all of the makeup off of my face.

I lie awake, staring at the ceiling as I waited for Harlow to come back inside. I need her in order for me to fall asleep.

The sound of the backdoor handle moving made me shoot up out of bed. I glanced at the clock that hung proudly on the wall on my way to the door to read that is was nearly four in the morning.

"Babe, what are you doing still up?" Harlow whispered once she heard me walk around the corner.

I saw her wrapped up in a blanket that I have stored in the outdoor cupboard, so if they shift with their clothes on they can grab one of those. "I can't sleep without you." I whimpered.

"Let me get some clothes on real quick and I'll be in there." Harlow walked over to me and kissed my forehead before turning and walking to her room.

Within two minutes she walked into my room in some very loose fitting sweatpants with the top of her underwear showing and a sports bra.

"Sorry I kept you awake." Harlow mumbled as she crawled into the bed beside me.

"I don't know if you forgot or not, but you swatted my hand away at the dinner table tonight. In return, you sleep without pants on tonight and tomorrow night." I smirked when she froze up, expecting a harsher punishment.

She slid her sweatpants off before sliding underneath the blankets and scooting close to me.

I put my hand on her abs and traced patterns and slowly got lower and lower.

Her breathing hitched.

"Oh don't worry, I'm just going to get you hot and bothered and make sure there isn't a damn thing you can do about it baby girl." I kissed her jawline once before beginning my form of torture that I know without a doubt is the worst punishment I can give her.


"I hate to break it to you Tate, but I don't cook. All I do is pop shit in the oven. I am terrible at cooking." I laughed at Tate's expression.

"Nu uh, no way. It's too good to be frozen food." Tate shook his head and looked over at Harlow who was doing her best to keep her laughing to a minimum.

"It's not frozen when I give it to you." I shrugged with a sarcastic smile.

"All of my life has been a lie." Tate mumbled.

"Dude, you mean the past two weeks for a very short time period every other day?" Harlow raised a brow at Tate as he sat on a barstool at the counter.

"Shut up." Tate growled at Harlow.

"Make me." Harlow buffed her chest out.

"Okay!" Tate said as he slipped out of the chair.

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