Says Who?

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POV: Harlow

"I can't shift till I feel strong enough to and the wounds heal enough so that when my skin stretches and moves they won't reopen." I sighed as Demi looked at me with sympathy. "I'm okay right now though. Walking hurts sometimes, but with the meds the vet gave I'm alright if I remember to take them."

"It'll be time to take another in an hour, but you have to get food in your system first. What are you thinking this morning?" Demi smiled brightly at me, but you could tell she didn't sleep last night. Apparently I whimpered in pain while I was asleep and it kept her up because she couldn't do anything for me.

"Do we have anything here?" I looked up at her, but winced when I tilted my head back too much as it hurt my spine. It swelled around my spinal column, so now my whole back hurts.

"We don't, but I can go get something real quick." She went and got her keys before I could say a word.

"You don't have to do anything for me Dems. I'll be alright." I smiled at her, but she didn't fall for my bullshit.

"What do you want from the bakery up the street?" Demi raised a brow as she twirled her keys around her finger.

"Can I go with you? They allow pets." I gave her my best puppy eyes.

"You can barely go up and down steps Harlow. How in the hell do you expect to get in a car?" Demi put her hands on her hips as she looked down at me. The dominance was radiating off of her. She could make a grown man cower with the look I'm getting.

"We can take the sports car? It's low to the ground." I begged.

"Yes, the sports car without a backseat when the vet told me to make sure you don't sit. Only lie down or stand up straight. Minimal movement of your spine." Demi shot down my plea.

"We can tilt the seat back?" I whined before walking over to her, lied down, and then rested my head on her foot.

"No Harlow. I am not risking your safety, because if someone cuts me off and I have to slam on the breaks it will fuck your back up. I'm going to call Tate in to watch you while I go get food. I'm going to get a little bit of everything to get us through a few days of breakfast." She gave me a small smile before fishing her phone out of her sweatshirt pocket and texting Tate I assume.

I stood up and then pouted as I walked over to the couch.

"I love you baby girl." Demi spoke in a bright tone.

All I did was mutter random sounds.

"Do you need help up on the couch?" Demi asked me as her footsteps approached behind me.

"No, I don't need your help." I snapped at her. I get bitchy when I'm in pain. I also get bitchy when someone tells me I can't do something due to something being wrong with me.

"Excuse me?" She snapped back, but unlike her, I cower to her.

"N-no thank you. I don't n-need h-elp." I stuttered out as I put one paw on the couch before pushing up. As soon as my back twisted a slight amount I winced and fell to the floor.

"Just put your two front paws on the couch and I'll pick up your back ones." Demi kissed in between my ears before doing as she planned. "I'll be back in about thirty minutes. Anything specific you want?" She raised a brow at me as she was half out the front door.

"Cinnamon rolls?" I spoke in more of a question than an answer, knowing she is the one with the final say.

"Yeah, I'll be back soon. I love you." Demi blew a cheesy kiss which made me chuckle.

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